Friday 13th April 2018

18 1 0

Eliza wants the narrator to do this so he will

Eliza is the opposite of Leo and loves everyone :Dp
She looked through her photos.
Leo and Eliza both laughed at my horrific laugh
Leo thought i was going to type they both laughed at my hoe
Alex read this.
There were lots of people in the library now
She spoke the gibberish i was typing as she was reading this.
FUCK Noa wanted to type.
Lilly is prostitute and suck dick for living
Noa tried continuously to click all the keys on my keyboard
As you can tell she is fucked in the head.
Alex is my twin and i love her :3 twincest forever.
Leo is a pretty good person but he hates certain people.
Eliza dislikes certain people but is very forgiving and rarely gets mad./
She just fell of and is now sitting on the floor.
I mean lily the prostitute pushed her off and now wants money
Dan who sits next me is being a Ugandan knuckles
Lilly LOVES it rough and wants her dad to fuck her in the pussy
She is raping a year seven called noa
She didn't deny it'
She wants to type fnaf and she almost.
Alex made a dumb laugh. JK JK she has a lovely laugh and a lovely body ;)
another jk
LILY knows what Alex looks like without her clothes on ;)
The bell rang and we went to our classes.
After school I (the narrator) went to homework club with my friend Mae. She read over this laughing at certain parts and is now struggling to get into Show-My-Homework. I made out with her hand as she tried to shut me up. It didn't work. After finding out that she couldnt get her password back she began to leave.
I screamed back to her and told her too wait.
She went out without me
She left me to walk home alone..


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2018 ⏰

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