00 | request form

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1.) Only post your comments once.
2.) You can request as much as you'd like - provided that they are different books.
3.) Credit on your book description is very much obligated to do. A follow is not cumpolsary but hey, I wouldn't mind.
4.) No, this is not first come first serve.
5.) I will not take requests if you inbox them to me or you post it in on my wall. I only entertain requests that are posted on this chapter.
6.) Do not request when the requesting is closed or else I will delete that request. You will know if it is closed if I place it on the title.
7.) Don't rush me.
8.) Your story must actually be ongoing or completed. I will not accept it if it's not published yet. I used to accept unoublished requests but now I will not.
9.) Do not remove the watermark I put. It is barely noticable so please keep it. If you do remove it, I will have the right to report you since that would be stealing.
10.) I have the right to deny and not do a request. Especially if you do not provide the right details or you did not follow the rules.


1.) Title
2.) Author - This is if you want to put your wattpad name or your real name etc.
3.) Subtitle - This is optional but if you do put a subtitle, please see to it that it's short.
4.) Plot - Again, this is optional.
5.) People - These are the people you want to see in the cover. But please do put in notice that these people that you will state will actually have usable images. Because there are some actors/singers that are new and don't really have much pictures that I can work with.
6.) Mood - This is where I base the colorings and the picture to so this needs to be specific.
7.) Add-ons - This is if you have pictures in mind that you want to see then just kindly give me the link.


1.) Follow - This is optional.
2.) Credit - This is a big must-include 'cover made by @kyladava' on your story description or else I will report you.

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