Happy Birthday

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The early morning rays disturbed Avni as she woke up. She turned around to see that the other side of the bed was empty. Her soulmate, her lifeline, he eternal love Neil was missing from there. He had been in Chennai for the past month for a case and would not be home for about another month. She sighed, wishing that Neil would be here today. For her special day which was her birthday. She thought about the last time she celebrated her Birthday. Though Aman had a suicide attempt that day, she still was grateful for Neil for trying to make her birthday special. As Avni kept thinking about her past moments with Neil, a screech voice broke her thoughts. Avni smiled and wandered to the adjacent crib where her gem of her life was there. Her 1 and half year old Nishaan who was laying there with his arm outstretched calling for her.

Avni picked up Nishaan and rocked him gently.

Avni: "Mama's angel woke up huh?", she cooed to the baby. The baby just stirred and Avni understood he was hungry. She took him downstairs and placed him in his high chair and then went to bebe taking her blessings.

Avni: "Good morning Bebe"

Bebe: "Good morning puttar! May God Bless you and always keep you happy! And ah yes, happy Birthday. "

Avni: "Thanks Bebe." She went to go hug bebe when she heard a voice behind.

Shweta: "Oh hoi!! Forgot about me already huh??"

Avon:" Mummyiji, there's nothing of that sort. I just wanted to take blessing from Bebe"

Shweta: "Oh be quiet." With that, Avni just stood there! "Now will you just stand there or give me a hug"

Avni smiled and rushed to hug Shweta who lovingly caressed her hair. "Happy Birthday Beta and this for you" she said, handing Avni a red velvet box.

Avni: "What is this"

Shweta slapped her forehead and exclaimed "Oh ho. Tillu was right!! You are such a Tubelight!! It is your birthday and of course it is your birthday gift"

Avni eyes watered as she opened her gift. To her astonishment it was a beautiful jewellery set.

Shweta: "My mom gave it to me and told me to give it to my daughter and I told her I will" said Shweta as she caressed her face lovingly. Avni just hugged Shweta tight.

Shweta: "Now come on. Let's eat breakfast!" Avni nodded and went to the kitchen. "Oye!! Where are you going huh??"

Avni: "Mummyji, I have to make breakfast".

Shweta: "No need! I have made it and now you just rest! It is your birthday and you will do no work. Consider this as an order!"

Bebe: For the first time, madam madonna is right! Shweta chuckled and brought a plate in front of Avni

Avni: POHA!!!! she exclaimed, devouring the poha in seconds while Bebe and Shweta fed Nishaan. Meanwhile a voice from the door way was heard.

Voice: Areh Avni, looking at Poha, you forgot about me!

Avni rose from her chair and exclaimed "Maa!! How could I forget about you???"

Neela chuckled and went to her daughter hugging her. "Happy Birthday Bacha"

Avni: "Thank you maa!!!". Neela went to Nishaan and picked him up. "And how are you mere junior super cop" she asked the baby. The family chuckled.

Shweta: Avni sweetheart, me and Neela and Bebe have decided to take you, Riya, Suneheri, Tara and Sitara to the salon and give you a full a beauty treatment and plus you will look nice when we take you out to dinner tonight".

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