About Time

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"Ya can't leave." He whispered.

"Albert, I need you to move." I whispered back trying to walk past him.

"No, you's in this just like the rest of us, ya can't go, I know Race is bein' a little girl right now but we's need you." He said.

"You need Jack, and I'm not him." I said and got to the door and unlocked it.

I took a deep breath and opened it to walk out. The boys were all looking at me hopefully but quickly realized the situation when they saw me in my dress heading towards the door. I made my way down the steps and back out onto the street. I figured I would go to Father Springs to spend the night. When I arrived, Winnie was already asleep and I was relieved. My relief only lasted a short minute before Father Springs kept prying about what had happened to my face and where I've been.

"Y/N, you really should have come to me when this happened." He said.

"I didn't want to concern you with it Father, with you taking care of Winnie on top of everything else you do it seemed silly to bother you." I said.

"Alright, you're welcomed to stay as long as you'd like, I'll make you some tea and grab a blanket for you." He said getting up. I sat on his couch waiting for him to return, when he brought the tea and blanket I thanked him and began thinking. I couldn't help but sit in my thoughts. I couldn't believe Race had been so bi-polar, he had a point though. I hadn't been a newsie long enough to help them, they boys were doing just fine without me. Then again Race was just being stupid, the strike wasn't just about newsies anymore. There were kids all over New York that should be out playing instead they're doing hard labor to support themselves and their families. Regardless of whether or not I was a newsie this was my fight too. There was nothing I could do though, I left the lodge and the strike behind. Over what? A really annoying boy who can't stop smoking and gambling? Good going books you're supposed to be smart and you made a stupid decision. Maybe you should just live with father springs and Winnie, be a sister again. You know you only have to ask and Father Springs would be ecstatic to have two daughters. It's not where you belong though, your days of having a conventional family were long gone, they died with your father in that factory. I sat in my thoughts for a while until I swore I could hear something being thrown at the window. I quietly made my way over to it and pulled back the curtain. Outside were Romeo and Albert; I gently put down my cup of tea and made my way outside.

"What are you two doing here?!" I asked in a hushed voice.

"Get changed Jack has a plan, the union ain't disbanded anymore." Romeo said.

"Guys, that's great but I'm not going back there." I said.

"Why? Because Race has ya dress in a twist, stop being stupid and let's go." Albert argued handing me my clothes and cap. I held the material in my hand for a minute and smiled at them both before running back inside to change. I quickly folded the blanket given to me and placed the mug next to it before taking off out the front door.

"What are we waiting for boys. We have a strike to handle." I said heading towards the lodging house. As we made our way there they caught me up to speed on Jack's plan which I thought was amazing. Using Pulitzer's own personal press to bring him down; if that won't give him a heart attack I don't know what will. When we got to the lodging house a bunch of boys were getting ready to head to where Jack was having the papers printed. I was going to be delivering with Albert and Romeo. We were to distribute to every kid under the age of 21 and hopefully get Pulitzer to see we meant business because let's be real here; this town would shut down without us. When we got to what I assumed to be Pulitzer's office I could see Race at the door letting in all of the other newsies. When we made it to the door he looked shocked to see me and I just walked right past to grab my papes. I made it to the bottom of the steps and was handed my bundle by Jack.

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