How are you alive?

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Liliana's pov

Before I got to Mystic Falls to confirm my suspicions. I send some of my helpers to keep tabs on my brothers. I soon find out that they are indeed alive. And that they have fallen in love with another doppelganger. I can't believe that they did it again. I thought they had learned the first time.

After weeks of following and keeping tabs on my brothers I know that it is time to go to Mystic Falls. I know it was time to face them.

So I got in the car and drove. 2 hours later I come across the Mystic Falls sign. I laughed. I couldn't believe that I was here again. As I came in to town I decide to stop at the Mystic Grill. How original. I thought. They could at least try to come up with a better name. I walk in and sit at the bar. A guy with bright blue eyes and blonde hair came up to me. "Hi I am matt, are you new." "Well kind of I lived here when I was little and now I am coming back to visit some family." " Really. Well what would you like to drink." "A bourbon please." Coming right up.
"Thanks."I say, God his eyes are so blue I thought. As I weighted I heard a familiar voice that I thought would never hear again." Well aren't you a pretty girl." I froze! "Damon Salvatore, don't you know it is wrong to hit on your own sister!" I said with playfulness dripping off my tongue. I turned in my seat and saw his face his Crystal Blue Eyes Wide with shock! "Lily, it's not possible." He said not believing it. "I could say the same thing." I said with a smirk on my face. All of a sudden I was in folded by a pair of strong arms. I quickly returned the favor. We stayed like that for a few more moments. Then all of a sudden he moved away taking his warmth with him. He looked at me at arms length, with a gleam of Hope in his eyes. He laughed his tears away and wiped my tears with his thumbs as he cradled my face with his hands. "Lily?" He questions. I nodded my head yes. Then out of nowhere he hugged me again." Were have you been?" "Let's go back to the house and I will tell you everything because everyone is staring." He nodded and we got into his car and drove to the Salvatore boarding house.

As we got to the boarding house I hesitated, I hadn't been here since I was a I came back in the 20's. As I got out the car I stopped, but Damon made sure I got out. He took my hand in his and we walked up to the front door. We walked through the door and down the hallway. It hadn't changed a bit, it was still the same as I last time saw it. He saw my nervousness and smirked. "Stefan looked who came to visit." I glared at him and then heard feet walking to the door. "If it is another person that you are trying to get me to drink off of, I said no already." He said. "I don't think you want to drink off me brother." I said with sarcasm. "Liliana is that really you?" He said with shock in his eyes. I nod my head, unable to speak with the lump in my throat growing more and more as I stare at him. He quickly ran to me and hugged me so tight, afraid that if he were to let me go I would slip away and never come back . " I can't believe you are here. I missed you so much." He whispered into my hair as he cradled my head. I leaned into his chest. I felt his silent tears running down my neck. I then felt another pair of strong arms and I assumed it was Damon. We stayed there for what felt like hours.

After we finally let go, Stefan and Damon were right on my case about were I had been. "I was basically just traveling." "What do you mean by just 'traveling'." Damon said going all protective big brother on me. "What I just said traveling, or do you need a dictionary brother." He glared at me playfully well Stefan laughed at my comet. "You know what I mean, there was no dating wall you were gone right?" "Right." I said sneakily. "Liliana Eve Salvatore, you are not going to date." I laughed. "You really think you can boss me around!" "Oh really we'll see about that." Damon don't do this." Stefan said worried. "Don't worry Stefan I won't kill Damon, just rough him up a little." "Oh, I don't think you can beat me little sister." "Really?" I said wall getting into my fighting position. As Damon got in to his I got my magic ready. Damon took the first move and tried to hit my face but I easily blocked it and took his fist in my hand. Then twisted it. Well his body followed his fist I quickly punched his stomach. Then he slammed in to the wall. He then got up and charged at me. I quickly made lightning in my hand and when his body came at me I shocked him with the lightning. When he got up form the ground, he looked at me with a shocked look on his face. "Liliana what was that?" My brothers said in unison. "Magic." "YOU HAVE MAGIC!" Damon said well Stefan stood there shocked. "Yes, I always have but sense I didn't unlock it when I was human, it transferred with me." "So what are you?" Stefan said finally coming out of shock. "I'm a hybrid a vampire and a witch." There was a lot of questions after that but we dealt with it.

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