The Fault In Our Stars ( Chapter 1 )

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Chapter 1.

The plane captain just announced our landing in 10 minutes, "I'm so happy to be home," I told Gus.

"Me too." He said.

Mom was asleep so I snuck a kiss on Gus's cheek. He smiled. The planes landing gear just came out as the planes jolted up and down which woke up mom. Before we knew it we were on the ground. I got up as they opened the planes doors with my mom and Gus. They had our bags ready. We left terminal 3 and went downstairs to the shops and we saw dad holding a sign that read "My lovely family and Gus." He ran and gave mom and I a hug and shuck Gus's hand. We dropped off Augustus and went home. The drive felt like the longest ride ever. Then mom told me that I had an appointment in two weeks. Two weeks away, I hated going their for appointments. As we get home I unpacked and fell asleep. The next day I stayed home watching Americas Next Top Model.

Two weeks past and the appointment was tomorrow.

I woke up at 9am got ready plugged in Phillip and mom and I left.

We waited for about 20 minutes and doctors called me in. They did a cat-scan and the next day they called my mom and she started to tear up.

"What did the doctor say?" I asked.

"Mom!" I yelled.

She said softly "your cancer has spread to your bones."

Mom couldn't stop crying, dad and I tried to calm her down, but it wasn't working so I took the phone from her and talked to the doctor myself. She told me that I could continue using phalanxifor and that it would slow the spread.

Mom and dad wanted me to tell Augustus, but I couldn't.

The next day we went to the next appointment and they gave me the worst news that a can patient could ever receive. My doctor told me that I was pregnant. She called my mom and dad in and told them and the doctor said they baby has a 50% chance of having cancer, birth defects, or dying at birth and has 40% of living a healthy life. The last 10% is they chance of my dying at birth. On the drive home it was silent until mom asked me when it happened, and I told her nothing happened between Gus and I. She already knew though.

"Hazel, I'm your mom you can tell me anything." Mom said.

"Well...Um...After the dinner date..." I said.

"Oh so it was a date." Mom snickered.

"....Anyways, after the dinner date we went to the room happened..." I said.

"You need to tell Augustus." Mom said.

"I know...I know...I just don't know how." I said.

"Why don't you two go to dinner and a movie or you go to his house any hang out and then tell him." Mom said.

"I'll go to his house...." I said.

"Gus can I go to your house tomorrow?" I texted.

"Hazel Grace why would I not want you over? Of course it's yes." Augustus replied.

"Okay?" I texted.

"Okay." He replied.

*Notes* Thanks you so much for reading this :) If you have any ideas, errors/mistakes, or anything else please tell me. I will always enjoy getting feedback from my readers. Once again, Thanks For Your Support.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2014 ⏰

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