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I nodded as Stephanie explained the storyline once again to me, in less then an hour I was making my return.

my dark blue hair was curled and flowed down to my waist, and my white and black ring gear looked perfect.

I paced my private locker room, they wanted to keep me quiet from everyone, including the superstars, the only people who knew were the ones apart of the match, and the higher ups, some other superstars saw me arrive but they think I'm just here for mania festivities, as they still think I'm medically uncleared.

My match was 20 minutes away so I start warming up to get the nerves to calm.

I breathed as I did a few jumping jacks and push ups.

Calm down Alaska, you're gonna kill it, you've fought for over 2 years for this, you've earned this.

my heart pounded as the clock striked 8:30, it's time.

Triple H came and grabbed me, aswell as some crewmembers crowded around me as we walked towards the gorilla.

I wore a black sweatshirt and kept my head down, trying to keep calm as we arrived at the gorilla, the other superstars were already situated.

I watched the monitored in anticipation.

"as many of you know I still haven't found a partner" Corey graves smirked as he leaned against the ropes.

"oh cut it graves, we all know you can't find a partner because nobody wants to team with you" Seth Rollins rolled his eyes as Dana brooke laughed.

"oh Sethy boy, you are so wrong and Dana," Corey turned to Dana.

"it's someone you're very familiar with"

I got injured while doing a moonsault onto her, I still remember that day vividly.

The crowd watched the stage in anticipation as I kept calm.

"gotta raise a little hell"

I took a deep breath as the crowd erupted into cheers and Danas face dropped.

A smile broke across my face as I walked on stage infront of the 50 thousand plus people.

Chills ran through my body as I placed a hand on my hip and posed on stage, it took everything in me to not cry, I was finally home and back to my passion.

my theme continued to play as I walked down the ramp with a huge smile across my face, the entire time Seth, Dana and especially Corey couldn't keep their eyes off me.

"and from Toronto, Ontario Canada, Alaska Lee!" JoJo announced.

I entered the ring and climbed up onto the ropes and smirked as I slipped my jacket off.

"Yeah! geuss who's back!" I yelled at the camera as I dropped my jacket to the ground and smirked before hopping off.

I backed into my corner as Corey sent me a wink before I slipped under the rope and grabbed the small white string as Dana followed my actions.

Corey and Seth locked up in the middle of the ring as I stared on, it still hasn't sunk in that I was actually here infront of my hometown and medically cleared.

Corey clotheslined Seth and as Seth stood up hit Corey with a wicked knee to the face knocking him flat on his back.

"come on Corey!" I called leaning over the ropes slightly, Seth grabbed Corey and hit a DDT,

I glared at Seth as he smirked "awe, I guess you aren't getting your precious wrestlemania moment" he cackled before hitting Corey with a curb stomp.

fuck fuck fuck!

Seth went for the cover and after the ref was going down for the count of 2 I went under the rope and connected my boot to Seth's face.

Dana quickly entered and I hit a spinning heel kick on her as Corey started stiring, the crowd went wild as shoved Dana out of the ring and went to my side of the ring and reached my hand out for Corey.

"come on graves!" I yelled as Seth grabbed his boot and yanked him back, Dana slowly made her way back up to the apron as Corey pressed his shoe to Seth's face knocking him back.

I reached my arm out as far as I could as Corey reached up and when I felt that tap my adrenaline kicked in.

I entered the ring as Dana looked around in bewilderment.

"come on" I called motioning her to get in the ring.

she slowly entered the ring not taking her eyes off me, I smirked and took a step forward and she shook her head before turning back to tap Seth's hand.

"I don't think so!" I yelled grabbing her ponytail. she stopped and screeched as I pulled her back onto her back.

I picked her up and smirked, "Awe did that hurt?" I teased with a smirk but suddenly she brought her hand up and slapped me across the face.

I backed up a couple steps holding my cheek as I glared at her, "Big mistake little girl" I gritted my teeth and went after her but she screamed and ducked quickly heading to her side of the ring touching Seth's hand.

"coward!" I called running after her and tackling her through the ropes and onto the ground.

the crowd gasped as we hit the ground, I started attacking Dana with hits and punches, she shoved me off and I tumbled back as she regained composure, I went after her but she send a wicked kick to my bad leg, I screamed and fell back holding it.

Dana laughed as I held my leg, she let out another laugh before sending another hard kick to my thigh.

I winced as I tried to back away, she swung her leg back for another kick but I grabbed it and pulled it so she fell back.

I saw Corey headed to our empty side of the ring and I quickly stood up and limped over before climbing onto the apron.

"Corey!" I called reaching my hand out, he reached up and tapped my arm, Dana was still down on the ground so I jumped down and pulled her into the ring.

I connected my fist to her face knocking her on her back and did a standing moonsault before pining her.
I smiled and pulled off myself off her as Corey entered the ring, I squealed and hugged him as my music started playing.

goosebumps lined my body as the crowd erupted into cheers, Corey raised our hands and pointed at me with a huge grin.

if I'm being honest I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for Corey, he pushed me the past two years to never give up and I practically owe him my career.

once we got backstage I instantly broke down and pulled Corey into a tight hug, "Thank you so much" I cried attempting to wipe the tears.

He chuckled as he pulled me close "No problem"

"ALASKA RUBY SAINT LAURENT" Paige yelled as her, Carmella, Mandy Rose and Sonya deville came rushing over.

I pulled away from Corey and chuckled as Paige used my real name.

"you've bamboozled us!" Paige said hugging.

"oh my god saraya, don't ever say bamboozled again!" Mandy said rolling her eyes.

I giggled and gave my best friends a huge hug, as everyone else rushed up to congratulate me.

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