We had met him a few times before and he had mentioned how his daughter enjoyed our music and he was going to be sending her to one of our shows in LA. Of course once Niall got a glance at her, he was smitten. It must be the Irish in him but he always seemed to have a thing for redheads at the end of the day.

So, to continue, my uncontrollable word vomit and weirdness was due to the fact that I hadn’t seen her in almost six years and then next thing I know, I’m hijacking her phone number off of her agent and texting her to come meet me in my hotel room. I certainly hadn’t planned that one before I thought it through.

When it came to Annaleise, Mr. Smooth Harry Styles had gone out the door. Before we got to LA, I knew she was in the city and I desperately wanted to run into her. I tried to get myself an invite to her boyfriend co-star’s birthday party but the party was too close to the start time of our opening concert. I could wait a few hours and hope that she would tag along with her friend to the concert and sure enough she did.

But then I had to go and be all weird and almost kiss her but not. I kicked myself for that one. I was thankful I didn’t have to force Niall to be all over her friend in order for them to come back the next night since he genuinely liked her. That was the easy part. It was getting her to admit something to me that was difficult. I knew it would take a little more coercing.

This obsession had been driving me insane for the last few months and I knew I had to do something about her. I either had to see her and speak to her and just lay it all out there or not do anything. I wasn’t the type to not do anything, so I may have had a little bit of help in that department.

Having Hayley there was another easy part. I didn’t have to do much, the girl was such a slag she would have fucked me on that dance floor if she could have. But making Annaleise jealous wasn’t part of the plan, at least not intentionally. It wasn’t until Hayley started running her mouth to Annaleise (clearly she sensed there was some unfinished business between the two of us, so she was smarter than she let on) and telling her how she slept with her boyfriend the night before that I knew exactly what direction this situation needed to be pushed in for me to get Annaleise to at least admit some feelings for me. I really hoped this wasn’t a last ditch effort.

And to be honest, I really do feel pretty bad about it, but it needed to happen. And besides, it’s mine and a few other’s little secret, err, little white lie-bribe? Let’s say and no one wants to mention it because it’ll just do more harm than good.

So after Hayley mouthed off to Annaleise, I took her out to a taxi and got her in one after she threw up on me. Not that that’s a relevant part of the story, but again, it helped my cause. I called up the tip line for the Star Magazine and mentioned how Cost Lemoyne had been seen having two females in his hotel room last night while Archer was no where to be found.

I might have then also mentioned how Archer Grey had been seen going to a nightclub with Harry Styles and was drunk off of rum and cokes so if they wanted some photos, they had better hurry before they left together since they had been seen getting quite cozy. I might have also mentioned that they might have dated in the past and someone should check out Harry Style’s old MySpace since that was the only place on the Internet where pictures of the two were.

I quickly dialed Cost’s number since I had taken Hayley’s phone. “Look, Hay, I told you I was busy tonight. I appreciate you covering for me last night.” He had said when he answered the phone.

“This isn’t Hayley.” I said, adopting my best American accent.

“Hayley told me what you really did last night. Then she also told your girlfriend.”

“Who is this?” The angry voice on the other end answered.

“Cost Lemoyne, I know you’re a closet homosexual. You’re going to get a text with instructions in a few minutes. If you don’t want Hollywood to know your secret – which I don’t think they would care – but anyway, then you’ll do what the text message says.” I hung up the phone then.

I banked on Annaleise wanting to be alone after what Hayley had just revealed and sure enough once she saw me covered in puke, she saw that as her way back to her car without upsetting her friend Lizzy or seeming overdramatic. Always the over thinker, that girl.

Sure enough, I was able to text Cost instructions to come to room 1027 at the Park Hollywood Hotel and save his girl from the clutches of Harry Styles. Even if Cost questioned the motives behind the demand, he never said anything since he was obviously too worried about his secret being revealed.

The paparazzi arrived just as we left and snapped a few pictures I hoped. The rest of the night went, as you know it with me getting a nasty black eye from Cost although to be fair I got a few good punches in myself.

When I saw Annaleise check her phone that night and see all the stories from the past and Holmes Chapel brought up, I really did feel bad. And I still do. But I also saw her thinking change. I could see her resilience giving up and I could see her beginning to recognize the feelings she still had for me. All I had to do was just give her a little push in the right direction – it was completely harmless.

Look where I am right now? I looked to see the beauty that was Annaleise. Maybe I could convince her to color her hair brown again but I doubt it. Her face was slightly round, her lips full and her eyes brown. She was only tall if she was wearing heels. She was the type of girl who could get away without make-up but looked like a supermodel with it on. I still liked her better without it. She had curves in all the right places. But her legs were my favorite, along with the beauty mark underneath her bottom lip. Her smile made her cheeks ‘super chunky’ as she called it and as much as she disliked it, I loved it because it made her look so human, like this angel was actually placed on this earth to be with me.

I am standing here, with her next to my side, happier than ever and we are ready to face the paparazzi that are undoubtedly waiting for us to leave because you can never trust valet drivers. So why do I all of a sudden feel like I’m going to throw up?

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