First day or Worst day

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I walk outside the car to the school my mom says love you then drives off before I get to reply. As I proceed to make my way to the school a boy walks up to me and nudges me. "Watch out for that freak." "Who?" "August Pullman. " "He is not a freak if took the time to give him a second look you could see past the face." "Nag nag nag nag oh shut up if you took the time to look at his face you would see ugly." "WELL FUCK YOU." "The truth hurts." "I hope one day karma comes back to get you." "Oh yeah well will karma get me back for doing this?" He pushed me to the ground. My knee scrapes the concrete. "Fuck you and your whole family." "Ouch my heart hurts so much I might die." He say sarcastically. He smirked as he walked away. "It was nice what you did there for me." "Uuuuuuhhhhhh." "What?" "Uuuuhhhhhhhh bye."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2018 ⏰

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