"Well Jackson next time you are talking to me you may want to have more manners." I said assertively.

"Or what?"

"Or you will regret that you were ever born." I threatened.

"Oh ya like I'd be scared of a little girl like you."

I pulled out hit sword and threw it overboard.


"Next time it will be you and don't test me." I don't know if I actually scared him but I think I got my point across.

I entered Hooks quarters and made my way to the couch that I was so comfortably on the last time I was here.

"What do you need to know because you know I don't give information away for free? I especially don't think I should trust you considering you stole my ring. On top of that you burned my map and now I have to start over."

"I need to know why your ruby ring turned into a sapphire ring shortly after I placed it on my finger." I stated getting straight to the point. I really just wanted to know I didn't care if he wanted it back or not.

"It's blood magic." Hook said.

"What?" I furrowed my eyebrows. "If this is blood magic wouldn't that mean-"

"Yes we are related." Hook admitted.

"What? How?" I think I was starting to hyperventilate.

"Don't pass out here have a drink." Hook handed me a glass.

"This is red wine." I pointed out.

"It really helps." Hook said before he drank a bit of his flask. "I never thought this day would come."

"How are you related to me!" I demanded. I couldn't have someone as evil as he was in my blood.

"I am your father."

"No your not." I denied. "My father and mother live in London they are the Darlings I am a Darling. I am not your daughter."

"Yes you are I know it is hard for you to believe."

"You could say that." I mumbled.

"It's true."

"So what now? I can't take this stupid ring off and I can't tell anyone about this." I sighed. "How did this even happen? If you are my father why did I grow up in London."

"Well your mother is back in London. She used to live in the enchanted forest and our paths crossed. Once she had a child she fled to your world before I could get to her it was too late. She met who I'm assuming is your father and they got married and lived happily ever after."

"I'm sorry." In a way I felt bad for Hook. I wasn't going to be calling him father anytime soon it was too uncomfortable.

"It's just so great to finally see you-" Hook started walking towards me and I stood up and took a couple steps away from him.

"No." I put my hands up in front of my body and I looked down. "I'm not ready for this. I can't do the whole father daughter thing with you. I'm sorry I just can't. I should probably go."

"Wendy stay here." Hook ordered.

"No! You don't get to do that. You can't act all fatherly when you haven't been there for me for 15 years. You could've tried to find me. I have never felt at place. I've always felt like something was missing and when Peter would visit me I felt like I was home. When he told me about Neverland I knew that was where I belonged and now I know why."

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