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The volleyball boys of Karasuno sat in the school bus in silence. Today was the day they were going to beat the Grand King. They were going to beat him and any team after and go to nationals together. But they lost. They lost to him. The Grand King.

All the boys were quiet. Some decided to take a nap, but Nishinoya wasn't one of them. The boy just simply stared out the window, reflecting silently like most people would.

"What could I have done?" The boy asked himself softly. "What can I do now?" Questions continued to race through his mind.

The bus suddenly stopped, interrupting Noya and his reflection


Ukai got up from his seat and announced, "We are back, so please wake up the people who are sleeping, grab your belongings, and go take a warm shower."

Nishinoya looked over at Asahi, who was peacefully sleeping next to him. He shook the giant awake, causing the giant's eyes to slowly open.

"Morning princess," Nishinoya spoke softly, hoping Asahi isn't going to blame himself for the team's loss.

Asahi smiled. "Morning," he groggrily answered. The Ace looked around and realized that people were starting to leave. He swiftly grabbed his stuff and the pair exited the bus.

They followed the rest of the team without a word, not one of them knowing how to start a conversation after the devastating event. Nishinoya resumed his reflection session. He replayed the match in his head. He replayed every ball he missed. He replayed every point he had given up. He replayed everything. The playbacks caused the boy an ache in the chest. He felt his foot steps get heavier, body get tenser, and vision get blurrier. He felt so defeated. He felt responsible. No. He is responsible. If he had just gotten every ball that came his way, maybe they wouldn't have loss. If he trained a little harder, he probably wouldnt have given up points. Just maybe..... Maybe the could have won. But because of his poor play, that winning opportunity went right out the window. And now, they are here. Suffering. All because of him.

Suddenly, droplets of water hit the floor as he looked down. After a few more steps, Nishinoya realized that those droplets were tears and blinked in attempt to quickly get rid of them. In a quivering voice, the libero spoke,

"I forgot something." Asahi looked over at Nishinoya. Before he could say anything, Nishinoya turned and sped away in the direction of the bus.

After a few minutes of running, Nishinoya had reached the spot where the bus once stood. Tears are already rolling down his cheeks. He had to find a spot, fast. So the boy quickly ran around, not wanting to get caught crying. The last thing he wanted was for someone to see him.

After running, he ended up at the gym. Nishinoya knew he would get caught inside, and right now, he just needed time to himself. So he ran to the back of the building. His back hit the wall and slid down slowly as he furiously wiped his tears. He sniffled. He eyes continued to sting, his nose became stuffy, and his heart ached more. He stopped wiping the on-going tears and brought his knees to his chest. He placed his head on his knees and wrapped his arms to hide his face from the world. Right now, he didn't want to deal with the world. He didn't want to deal with anyone. For the first time in his life, he wanted to be alone. Nishinoya, the guardian god, finally broke down. He felt defeated. He is defeated.

After minutes of sniffling passed by a pair of feet appeared before Noya. The libero looked up to find a hand extended out toward him. That hand belong to a crying but smiling Asahi. Nishinoya looked away and hid his face once more. "I don't deserve your help. I failed." Nishinoya softly said, feeling eyes sting.

The giant said nothing, but he did move and sit next to Nishinoya. The third year chuckled. "You remind me of me." Asahi spoke in his usually gentle voice. "But someone changed that past me."

Nishinoya stopped hiding his face and looked over at the ace. "How did you change?"

Asahi looked back at Noya, smiling and wiping his own tears away with his shoulder sleeve. "One of the younger kids taught me that it isn't right to blame anyone because everyone has different roles and limitations. He reminded me that I just gotta do what I can do best."

The spikey-haired boy looked up at the sky. "He sounds like good person."

Asahi couldnt help but let out a chuckle. "You don't know who this person is?" All Nishinoya could do was look over at his best friend with a confused look. Asahi reached and grabbed Nishinoya's hand. "That boy was you."

The smaller boy felt his face heat up. He quickly avoided Asahi's gaze, turning his head away. "D-don't say things like that!" He stammered.

Nishinoya felt the warmth in his hand leave as Asahi climbed back up onto his feet. The giant walked in front of Noya and held his hand out once more. Nishinoya wiped off any remaining tears and accepted the hand and stood up with Asahi's support. Suddenly, Asahi pulled the boy close to his chest and enveloped his arms around him.

Nishinoya felt even more embarrassed. "Asahi-san??"

Asahi didn't let go, but softly spoke. "I love you, no matter what you do."

Nishinoya melted into the Ace's arms, but he couldn't let his friend. With courage, Noya tip-toed, wrapped his bruised and slender arms around Asahi's neck, and shoved his lips onto's Asahi's. The spiker eyes opened with shock to see Nishinoya's were completely shut. After a few milliseconds, Asahi smiled and kissed back, bring the boy closer.

He loved Nishinoya, and it seems that Nishinoya loved him too.


  I apologize if this story sucks! Please give me some feedback! Thanks!

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