Entry #2: I hate u. I love u.

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-7:00 am

Dear Diary.

Well, breakfast today wasnt fun. Its never fun to be honest. It went a little something like this:
Mom: Come on down to breakfast.
I come down, still in my pajamas with unicorns on them. My dad then sits down, and I sit down across from him. He then asks me of I'm interested in joining any clubs or sports. I told him that I wanted to do art, and he said that I should do football. I told him that they don't accept girls on the football team, and he said I wasn't a girl. He said I was a boy. My mom told him that is was a girl, and he had to change his pronouns. He got mad, like he always does, and slammed his fork on the table. He doesn't like me being a girl. He kept saying that he wanted a boy, but instead got me. That hit me real deep, so I slammed my fork on the table again, and yelled that I was a girl and he couldn't change it  whether he liked it or not. I hate living with him, mum accepts me, but dad doesn't. I just wish I could disappear into my own world. I hate him so bad. I just wish he could could disappear. I hate u dad. He never supports me in anything. Whenever I ask where my panties are, he says that they're drawers and not panties. I hate him. I love mum. Shes so accepting to me. I love her more than the world. Aw man, dads calling me down to take me to school, gotta get dressed. I bet we'll argue in the car. I'll fill you in later.

-7:20 am-

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