[2] Why didn't I do the thing before?

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  Alec and Izzy took me to the institute and put me in a bedroom. I look around because I'm really bored and see pictures on top of a dresser. All of them are of Alec, Izzy, and Jace.

  "Find anything interesting?" I hear someone ask. I turn around and see Alec leaning against the doorway. "Honestly, anything is interesting when you're locked in a room." I tell him.

  "Right. Well, tell me about yourself." he says. "I'm an emo piece of shit. That's all." I say. "That's not what I meant but now if I hear emo music I know who it is. I meant tell me about your parents,you know, how you became a Shadowhunter." he tells me.

  "Well, my mom died when I was 10 and my dad died about a month before I was born. After my mom died Clary's mom adopted me. I already knew about the shadow world cause my mom was training me before she died. Clary's mom makes me watch over her without her knowing and that's kinda why I'm so worried about her." I explain to him.

  Alec goes to say something but is cut off by someone knocking on the door. "Come in." Alec tells the person. "Sorry to interrupt but the girls friend is in the infirmary." Jace says walking in.

  "Why is she there?" I say. "When I finally found the building she was being attacked by a demon. The demon got a piece of her before I showed up though." he informs me. I sigh and ask him to bring me to her.

  When we get to the infirmary Jace informs me that she's been out for a while but should wake up soon. "Crap.  Her mom is going to kill me when she finds out that I let this happen." I say to myself when I think I'm alone. I was wrong.

  "It isn't your fault. I'm the one who dragged you here instead of letting you go after her." I hear Alec say. I jump and turn around to face him. "Are you a ninja or something? Seriously, you just keep popping up out of nowhere." I say.

  "I'm a shadowhunter. Being sneaky is kind of in the job description." he says. "Right. Forgot that I'm in an institute. Sorry, I'm just not used to being around any others besides Clary's mom." I tell him.

  He nods and we just stand there staring each other until Izzy walks in. "Am I interrupting something?" Izzy asks when she sees that Alec and I were staring at each other. "No. We were just talking." Alec says. "Mhm" Izzy says while smirking at us.

  "She still hasn't woken up?" Izzy asks. "No- wait. Why didn't I do the thing before?" I say to myself while taking my phone out of my back pocket. "What thing?" Alec questions. "Whenever Clary won't wake up or is doing something 'bad' I do something to make her wake up slash(/) stop doing something." I explain.

  "Well, what's the thing?" Izzy asks. I smirk at her and play Welcome To The Black Parade by My Chemical Romance.

  As soon as the G-note at the beginning went off Clary shot up into a sitting position while screaming "No!" Since Izzy was sitting on the bed, her and Clary's heads banged together. I burst into laughter at the sight of that.


  I know I said i was going to do multiple chapters every day but I'm really lazy. Lol. I can't continue because I don't have the episode at the moment but the next chapter will start with the last paragraph.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2018 ⏰

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