Chapter 1- No Light

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Interrogater- are you gonna tell me?

He punched you in the stomach for the 1000th time.

You- even if I had what you needed asshole, you will never get it out of me.

The pain was finally wearing you down after your time here it hasn't been a fun two years but you were starting to doubt seeing the light of day was still an option

Interrogator- for fuck sake 2 years y/n! 2 fucking years! I don't understand why the higher ups haven't let me kill you yet!

You- You couldn't kill me anyway.

Before he could respond the alarm sounded in a coloured blare, he rushed off leaving you alone in the dark no light, no help.

???- Six the base is clear. 28 Kia and no friendly casualties. Me and Hades are making rounds of the cells now report back in 5 minutes

A woman in a hoodie walked by your cell with someone following in an all black uniform with a dark red beret. The other looked into your cell wide eyed.

???- Hibana... You need to get a look at this.

Hibana- what is it hades?

The woman looked into your cell and gasped as the younger got into your cell.

Hades: don't worry sir your safe now. We're here on behalf of local forces. We'll be able to treat you.

Hibana- six were bringing in one of the white masks prisoners he doesn't look like he's been here long judging by physical integrity or he's a really tough bastard.

Y/n- I-I can walk

Hibana- okay good

The two walked you through the base. You could barely keep up with them so Hades helped you walk out to the chopper. The first person you were met with was a doctor looking person who laid you down on the reasonably comfortable chair. He injected you with some stim needle which numbed your pain and stopped the excessive amount of blood loss.

You- so I gotta ask how does a 2 no offence to you hibana, man team fight through an army of terrorists without at least a little air support.?

You were greatly  surprised by their skill. Before they could answer you fell asleep your dreams were reasonably calm.


You awoke in a overly white room, probably an infirmary. On your bedside was a description of yourself and on the other sheet a contract to...
Team rainbow? You quickly signed the contract and got up. Your clothes were somehow replaced as you walked through the halls. You saw a door with the name hibana on it and a five sided fidget spinner? Damn kids. You knocked waiting for a response which was granted after 5 minutes.

Hibana- you're awake?.

Meet the first chapter of the rework.

lost with no light, my saviour (hibana x male reader) Where stories live. Discover now