His brother

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Ryder's point of view
We walked into the into the scientists doors and they asked us to sit on the couch and wait for one of those scientists to come back as they came back to give us a pill to put us to sleep so we can do the transformation I told will see you on the other side and he said the exact same thing but with a smirk

Finn's point of view
As well and Rider walked in to the room meet Aylen Zack and Raven went to the cafeteria to get us some snacks before we had to go into the scientists lab and get are transformations done I walked up to the cafeteria lady and said hello you're looking beautiful today and as I look down my eyes was grossed out and I think I almost fainted and then Zack and Taylor and rushed over to help me up to my feet and I screamed "YOUR SNAKE" and Raven start the laugh but with a little giggle then we walk back to the seat soon I was still grossed out by the snake lady I'd have to say that was the weirdest thing I've ever seen in my entire life my God weirdest then then we saw Will and Rider coming back in and they said raven and fins turn then I said to myself why why do I got to be paired up with Raven what can I be paired up with Taylen or Zach one of my closest friends then I said to myself what would my brother do he'd suck it up and do do as he's told

The Love Of Will And RyderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt