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A soft light glimmers on the dark green pine needles that sway with the wind, filling the skies with quiet whispers as a tiny click sounds.

"Do you remember this?" your tall, handsome lover, Dan Avidan, asks, putting the frame down gently.

"Huh?" You turn towards him to see what he's talking about. "Oh, yeah of course I do. That was taken-"

"The day we met." he interjects with a grin.

You smile back, taking a step towards him. He meets you over half way with merely two steps; it would have taken you three or four. He wraps his long arms around you and you lean into his embrace. He's warm and comforting and his embrace is incredibly soft; the smell of cologne wafts its way from his Rush shirt to your nose quickly, lulling you into easement. He is your safety.

"How could I ever forget such a momentous occasion?" you ask, puzzled by his question.

"I dunno" he trails "I just didn't know if you thought it was that special."

"Of course I do! Need I remind you who who framed it?"

"No, of course not."

"Then why do you think something like that?"

He shrugs, and turns his gaze away from you. "I guess I just didn't expect you to be sentimental about me like that."

"You're one of the most important things in my life." you inform.

"One of?" he turns back to you, smiling down at you a little. "What are the other things?"

"Coffee." you say immediately with a serious tone. "Coffee, plants, baby animals, and friends."

"The old T.V. show, or your friends?"


"And where do I fit in this extremely important list of yours?" he laughs.

"It goes: baby animals, you, coffee, friends, then plants."

"I'm glad to know what you find important. I'm also glad that I am one off the Chosen Ones."

You both chuckle and those chuckles turn to seemingly infinite laughs; hearing each other cackle drives your own further and further until both of your stomachs throb in overuse. He lets go of you so he can use your shoulder to keep himself from falling; you do the same but you can't quite reach his shoulder from leaning over. Neither of you thought it was that funny but to hear each other laugh made it seem as if it was.

Eventually, the atmosphere calms back down; he's still smiling and so are you.

His phone begins to buzz in his back-left pocket. He takes a moment to answer it, still trying to catch his breath properly.

"Hello?" he says with laughter still in his voice. "Oh yeah, sure! I'll be there in about forty-five minutes."

You hear the murmur of a familiar voice come from the phone but you can't quite name it.

"Okay, see you then."

He turns to you; he can see the slight confusion in your eyes.

"Arin." he says reassuringly.

"Oh, alright. Grumps today?" you ask.

"Yeah, there's a long sesh today-" his eyes widen with what you hope to be a good idea "Hey! Why don't you come along? There's a viewing window if you want to watch, snacks, and I'm sure you can find some games you like around to keep yourself occupied if you find the crew to be too overzealous."

You're eyes widen with excitement. It was more than a good idea; it was a great idea.

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