Saten and the Fire Dragon

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"I'll take that one...and that one..and that one." said the black haired girl as she stood in front of the bento stand.

It was nearly 10:00 at night, and Ruiko Saten was doing some late night shopping. The problem was, in District 7, there were very few stores or stands that sold bentos this late, and she wouldn't have time to make herself one tonight or tommorow.

So here she was in an area of the city that was way too far from her dorm for comfort. Kuroko and Mikoto had already warned her that they couldn't always be around, but she liked the feeling of independence, that she could fend for herself just fine...even if she was only a level 0.

"You sure you'll be alright going home by yourself Miss?" asked the vendor. "There's been a lot of suspicious people hanging around lately. Plus ever since doorway to the other world opened up, they say there have been what they call Dark Guilds hanging around the city."

"I'll be fine." said Ruiko bowing. "Thanks though."

However, as Ruiko began to walk down the dark streets on her way home, she couldn't help but feel a little uneasy. Ruiko took out her cell phone and dialed a number.  "Hello? Mikoto? Are you there?"

"Saten?" Mikoto's voice came out of the phone. "Are you alright? It's pretty late."

"Y-yeah...I've just been out buying a bento for tommorow and...."

"Buying a bento!? But there's barely anyone out selling bentos this late! How far away from your dorm are you?!"

"Well.." said Ruiko. "It's only several blocks now that I've been walking a bit."

"And when you say many blocks exactly are you talking about?" Mikoto asked


Mikoto sighed. "Just tell me the street you are on now and I'll come walk back with you."

"You don't need to-"

"I know I don't need to..but I want to. Anyways I'm kinda out late myself..I just got back from a job with Lucy. Just hang tight okay?"

"Yeah..sure." said Ruiko. She told Mikoto which street she was on and then went over to the curb of the side walk and sat down.

Truth be told the street wasn't really empty that night. There were other students walking around, either taking night classes or going to some late night convenience stores. (Truth be told, the convenience stores had a very poor and small quantity of bentos.)

However, if something happened, most likely these people would keep walking and try to avoid trouble. Academy City was a dangerous place at night, something to be expected when a good percentage of the population had supernatural abilities, a percentage that had grown to 80% ever since people from Fiore started moving in.

Ruiko suddenly felt a slight chill up her if somebody was watching her. She turned her head slowly to see several older looking guys, probably high school or college age, leaning against the walls of a building. They wore your typical jackets and clothes you'd see in an all night gang, they were grinning with creepy expressions at Ruiko, as if they could just see the vulnerability all over her.

"Oh no..." said Ruiko getting up to leave.

"Oh hey..." said one of the guys who ran over and blocked Ruiko's way. "Where are you going sugar? Out for some late night touring?"

"Yeah." said one of the other guys as the gang closed in on her. "Don't stop the touring yet. Why don't you come down to our place and we'll show you how to have some real fun? Though we can't gaurantee when we'll take you home."

A Certain Magical Fire Dragon (A Railgun In Fairy Tail side story).Where stories live. Discover now