Part two: Welcome to Moga Islands!

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The ship-ride over was a nightmare. Tossing and turning like a lagiacrus in a rage, the ride was not enjoyable. My palico, jhanto, was fine. He had raced around the ship exploring every nook and cranny, jumping around and causing general chaos.
My name is winter cazori, A-class Hunter and researcher, 6"4' and built like a twig, I was light in my feet and good with a switch-axe. My palico companion, jhanto, looked like a cat. In fact, he was a member of the felyne family tree. He had beautiful bright green eyes, a shiny black fur coat, and a fluffy tail. His pointed ears could detect the smallest sound. I hobbled off the ship and fell flat on my face. Several people asked,"are you ok?" And, "do you need help?". I waved them all off, and stumbled to a nearby barrel. Let's just say it wasn't pretty. After vomiting for a solid minute, I got back up and looked around.
The port town of Moga Isle was as busy as Asteria, the main city of our world.
There were fish mongers, or miners, and others. The spices smelled inticing and mysterious. The forge changed and smoked as it worked on new types of equipment and gear. I could hear several felyne running about, carrying crates, and catering to other hunters. I walked over to the mission counter, and was surprised to see a guy working there. His hair was tied back into a ponytail, and his face looked smooth, like untouched snow on a mountain. His fiery yellow eyes shone from his face like the moon at night. He looked up as I approached and smiled.
"Greetings! How may I help you good sir?", As I walked up to the counter. I nodded politely and asked,
"How did you end up here?"
I shuffled nerviously. I wanted to know how he had gotten the job at the guest counter, being as he was a guy.
He looked confused, but waited for my reply.
" did you end up working here, at the quest counter?"
He looked puzzled, then laughed, quite a pleasent sound. He explained that his mother and sister had gotten jobs at quest counters, and since he was alone most of the time, he decided to try out the counter job.
"It gets dull sometimes", he said,"but I get to see new people, smell new smells, and give quests to people!". He smiled after this, causing his face to shine with joy. After I said good day to him, and went to my designated room, I couldn't get him out of my head.
It's weird, right?

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