After a few weeks, Orion started shouting in an excited tone in the morning. Sirius, Regulus and Walburga came rushing towards the sound.

"What happened?" Walburga said worriedly. Orion smiled widely.

"My dark mark also vanished, just like Regulus." Orion said grinning. Sirius smiled softly.

"Congratulations father." Sirius said and went towards his room. When he reached there, he saw that Cepheus was again curled up in a ball and whimpering. Sirius checked for the fever and surely it was there again. Sirius smiled widely.

"You are a very powerful wizard Cepheus and I'm proud to be your father." Sirius muttered and hugged Cepheus. He went up brought him the potions from the previous day and gave it to him.

It was a few days after the vanishing of Orion's dark mark. Sirius never uttered a word about his finding and to his astonishment and fondness, neither did Cepheus. It was after midnight. Walburga and Orion were sleeping soundly. Suddenly a low creak woke Walburga but she didn't open her eyes and stayed still. There were very soft footsteps which stopped infront of her bed. Suddenly she felt that two small hands took hold of his left arm just above where the dark mark was there. Walburga knew who it was just from the touch. After sometime she felt that the part of her hand was paralyzed. She could feel the hold of the hands but the place in between the two hands were completely numb. After a few long minutes, the numb feeling was gone. Then she heard the sound of two retreating footsteps. After a while Walburga heard the door open and close. She stayed like that for some time. Then she casted a gentle lumos with her wand and brought it near her left hand and saw that the dark mark has indeed vanished from her hand too. She understood that it was Cepheus who has removed each one of their dark mark but have never said anything about it. In that moment Walburga was the most proud grandmother of the world. She knew how no one other than Cepheus could have done that. But the most surprising fact was that he was able to do it at the age of a mere six years that astonished her. She closed her eyes satisfied and happy.

The next day at the breakfast table, Walburga saw that Cepheus was not present.

"Where's Cepheus?" Walburga asked.

"He's again having fever." Sirius said calmly, though he knew what it means.

"So, he had the fever each time, isn't it? Because he exhausted himself by such strong use of magic?" Walburga asked curiously. Sirius looked at his mother and grinned.

"So you caught at last. I was thinking if anyone other than me will ever know it." Sirius said with a etch of pride in his voice. Walburga smiled at his son.

"Yes, when he came in last night I woke up. So his secret came out." Walburga said fondly. Regulus and Orion were looking at them with confused expression.

"What are you two talking about?" Orion asked at last.

"My dark mark has also vanished." Walburga said smiling. Orion and Regulus' face lit up like Christmas.

"So our family has no more death eaters in it." Regulus said happily.

"Yes, all thanks to Cepheus." Walburga said smiling brightly.

"What did Cepheus do?" Regulus asked bewildered.

"Yes, he removed all our dark marks. After each one, he gets so tired that he catches a mild fever because of his exhausted magical core. He's a very powerful wizard." Walburga said proudly.

"I caught on the first time itself, and second time I was proved correct. Cepheus don't like attention. So he never told anyone about this. I have also not told him that I know about his secret." Sirius said with a huge smile. Regulus and Orion gaped at them.

"Cepheus? How can he possibly do that? He's not even started his education." Regulus exclaimed.

"I don't know. But he does it very efficiently. He first paralyzes that part and then removed it so that we do not feel anything. He's a genius." Walburga said proudly.

"Oh Merlin, the Potter's have lost a big time." Regulus said grinning impishly.

"I bet." Sirius said laughing. All of them enjoyed the rest of the breakfast with a light heart. All of them were very fond of Cepheus.

It was a very pleasant sunny day. The Black family have decided to go to the Diagon Alley with Cepheus. Cepheus was the apple of their eyes. Each and every member of the family showered him with gifts. In return, whenever someone gifts him something, Cepheus makes their favourite food as his thank you gift. Walburga and Orion now played with their grandson in the house which was unbelievable a few days ago.  Regulus never leaves a chance to be with Cepheus and Cepheus also loved Regulus. Sirius now being the Black Lord had many important works to do, so he was not available most of the time. Cepheus spent the whole day cuddling and playing with Regulus. But once Sirius comes back, no amount of temptation will be able to separate him from Sirius. For Sirius, Cepheus was his life line.

"Lord Black." Someone called out. They all turned around and saw that the Malfoy's were making a beeline for them. Suddenly Cepheus started trembling. He had too many bad memories about them as Harry.

"Cepheus?" Sirius called out worriedly. Regulus, Walburga and Orion looked around to see that Cepheus was clutching Sirius' robes and trembling violently. When the Malfoy's stopped infront of them Cepheus started hyperventilating.

"Sirius, give Cepheus to me. You talk to the Malfoy's." Sirius worriedly handed Cepheus to Regulus. Cepheus eagerly wrapped his arms around Regulus and hid his face in his robes. All four of them looked at each other.

"Okay, I will be in the book shop." Regulus said started walking away. As he got further from the Malfoy's, Cepheus's trembling stopped. Regulus couldn't decipher the reason of his fear but decided not to push it.

As Cepheus went away from there, the three remaining Black turned around towards the Malfoy's.

"Good afternoon Lord Malfoy." Sirius said with a small smile.

"Who's that little child over there?" Lucius Malfoy asked.

"That child will be my son, Cepheus Sirius Black." Sirius said in a proud voice.

"Oh, I didn't know that you were married?" Lucius asked surprised.

"I'm most certainly not married even now. He's my blood adopted son." Sirius replied calmly. Lucius and Narcissa looked at each other in surprise.

"Lord Malfoy, my grandson is now a part of our family. He may be blood adopted but he's now a Black. So any other questions related to that is completely useless." Walburga said in a haughty tone.

"Of course, Mrs. Black. We will also like a chance to meet the heir of your family." Narcissa replied quickly.

"You see, your son and my son Draco Lucius Malfoy are of the same age." Lucius said.

"Okay. Maybe you all will like to come at Grimmauld Palace someday." Orion said.

"Of course, we will be honoured." Lucius replied.

"We will take our leave now. My son and brother is waiting for us. Have a nice day Lord Malfoy and Lady Malfoy." Sirius said and and made his way briskly to the book store along with Orion and Walburga at tow.

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