Chapter 11- The Party(I)

Depuis le début

I got straight to the point. “Spit it out.”

“Am I tha-”

“Yeah you are that easy to read, now shoot,” Kia said.

“Umm… Tiffany struck again.” She said, looking nervous. Just like that, she turned on the Murderer switch. “She’s dead. Where is she?” I growled.

Ken looked shocked at my outburst. “Told you,” Tanya whispered to him.

I glared at her “when did this start again?”

“Just today!” she quickly said. “Are you lying?” Kia asked. Now she was glaring Tanya.

“NO! I swear.” She said. She seemed like she was telling the truth. 

“Woah! This looks intense. Any chance of a catfight soon? I’d love to see one.” Luke said, suddenly appearing out of nowhere. I saw him through my peripheral.

“Shut the hell up,” Kia said, literally throwing daggers at him.

Luke looked at her, shocked. She was normally the calm one.

“Ok ok…. I was wondering you two fine ladies wanted to come to the celebratory party at my house?” he asked.

“Only if she,” I said, pointing to Tanya, “can come too.”

“I don’t wan-”

“Sure, I definitely wouldn’t mind,” Luke said, checking her out.

Kia immediately stood directly in front him, blocking his vision of Tanya. Luke was the biggest player in Anderson High. “Sure flirt, now scram.” I said. Well, I wasn’t the nicest person around.

He grumbled under his breath and left.

  “Do you think it safe for her to go to that party, with the foot and all?” Ken asked, in a timid voice. “Don’t worry. She’ll be fine with us,” I said at him, smiling at him reassuringly. He seemed nice and cared about Tanya genuinely.

“Ok…then I shall take my leave,” he said to Kia and I. To Tanya, he said “And you, better ice your foot tomorrow. I will be calling to check on you. And also don’t do anything stup-”

“Yes DAD!” Tanya said, emphasizing on the last word. I had to hold back myself from smirking. He was really acting like her dad, and it was pretty funny.

He gave her one last glare, and left.

“We will talk about Tiffany later. Now, let’s just enjoy the party.” I said.

“Let’s,” Tanya and Kia agreed.

Kia pov

We all piled onto Tina’s car, after helping Tanya to walk up to the car. It was pretty hard, but we managed.

After all, the idiot was severely underweight. We headed to Tina’s house to change, before going to Luke’s house. Everyone planning to go to Luke’s party was going to do that. 90% of them consisted of sweaty football players and cheerleaders.

“I don’t have to change, do I?” Tanya said, giving me her puppy dog eyes. “That is not going to work. You are wearing a dress.” Tina said.

“Darn. Its works on everybody with a heart, but you two.”

“Yeah, too bad. Consider this as your punishment for not telling us immediately.” i said.

“C’mon…both Sam and Daniel were there. They didn’t need to know about this.” She whined.

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