chapter 2

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"You need to meet my brother joey" Matt blurted randomly "Ok" I said not knowing who he was. "Can you watch Luna for a little bit?" Matt asks Amanda. She nods her head and kisses Matt. "Bye babe" matt says. "Bye" Amanda responds. Matt takes me to Hi5studios. When I walk in I feel like an animal in a zoo. Everyone was staring at me. We walked to Joey's office. Matt knocked on the door and then barged in. I quickly followed him. Joey stands up wipes his shoulders and shakes my hand. "Um hi I'm joey" he says a bit shakey "I'm (y/n)" I say back to him. "Go hang in my loo office for a bit" Matt says. I nod my head and walk to Matt's office.

Matt's POV
"I'm thinking about hiring her, what do you think" I ask "that would be a great idea" Joey says quickly. "Awe does Joey have a little crush on (y/n)" I say mockingly and punch Joey's arm. He smirks and says "no"

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