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A Maid works through preparation, and through reaction, and is one who maintains their aspect. Their duty is to prepare others through their aspect, as well as maintain the balance of their aspect. They prepare others with their aspect for difficulties in the future, while also working on their aspect, making sure to keep the peace in their aspect. A Maid is not limited to one or the other, and can bounce between either function at a whim. Maid is a strictly female class.

Maid of...

Time: A Maid of Time has all the time she needs to help others. She can travel through time, bring forth alternate versions of herself, and freeze others in time. It's dichotomic opposite is Bard of Space, meaning that while she can create time, she can also destroy creation. (Canon Maid of Time: Aradia Megido)

Breath: The Maid of Breath is able to create breath, which is wind or freedom, to assist her colleagues. It's dichotomic opposite is the Bard of Blood. So while she creates freedom, she destroys bonds or relationships. (No canon Maid of Breath)

Doom: Maid of Doom has the ability to create doom to help others. Doom can be fate, reluctance, and misfortune. It's dichotomic opposite is Bard of Life. A Maid of Doom can create misfortune and destroy people's ability to go right into their actions. (No canon Maid of Doom)

Blood: A Maid of Blood does not create blood itself, but rather can create bonds and connections between people - bring her fellow players closer to each other. The dichotomic opposite is Bard of Breath. The Maid of Blood creates bonds and destroys freedom. (No canon Maid of Blood)

Heart: Since heart can be interpreted as soul or emotion, it can be assumed that a Maid of Heart would create splinters of her own soul so that she may help others - perhaps in a way that Dirk had a splinter of his soul in Jake's mind. Bard of Mind being the dichotomic opposite, she can create soul or emotion and destroy logic and reasoning. (No canon Maid of Heart)

Space: Space is interpreted as creation. So a Maid of Space creates creation, in a way. So with the dichotomic opposite, Bard of Time, she creates creation and destroys time. (Canon Maid of Space: Porrim Maryam)

Mind: Maid of Mind creates logic and reasoning. Her dichotomic opposite is Bard of Heart, so while creating decisions, she destroys soul and emotion. (No canon Maid of Mind)

Light: The Maid of Light would create luck or knowledge. The opposite of Light is Void, so after putting Void with Bard, she creates luck and destroys nothingness. (No canon Maid of Light)

Void: With Void, the Maid creates nothingness - lack of existence or knowledge. The dichotomic opposite is Bard of Light, so she creates the lack of knowledge and destroys knowledge. (No canon Maid of Void)

Rage: A Maid of Rage would create anger and berserk power in herself to help others. With her dichotomic opposite, Bard of Hope, she creates rage and destroys hope. Both of these aspects are very literal. (No canon Maid of Rage)

Hope: A Maid of Hope would create literal hope and faith in herself to help others. With her dichotomic opposite, Bard of Rage, she creates hope and destroys rage. Both of these aspects are very literal. (No canon Maid of Hope)

Life: Maid of Life can literally create life to help others. The dichotomic opposite is Bard of Doom, so they can create life and destroy doom, which can be interpreted as fate, death, and reluctance. Jane has been seen creating life and destroys reluctance when she turns herself and her friends into tricksters. (Canon Maid of Life: Jane Crocker)

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