Chapter 4 ~ the flashback

Start from the beginning

"Ok" he said then watching the TV again

*Sophies POV*

James parked the car in front of a restaurant, an Italian restaurant. We had just been on a little road trip around Bournemouth as James showed me a couple of his favourite places it was fun, half way through the road trip Last Night came on the radio James just causally started singing along I have to admit it was quite funny it was like he does it all the time

We walked in the restaurant and waited until a waiter came up to us

"Do you have a reservation sir?" He asked

"Yes under the name of McVey"

"Awh yes McVey follow me please"

we followed him to a table for two in the corner. James pulled out my chair for me like the gentleman he is and then took a seat opposite me

"This is nice" I said looking around the restaurant admiring everything around me

"Yes it is, I'm a regular" he then winked at me which I found so funny because he could hardly wink

"You know your not very good at winking"

"Well thanks for bringing my sprits down" we both laughed

Then the waiter came over to us again "here are your menus" he said putting them down in front of us "I'll be back to take your orders later" he then walked off

I picked up the menu and started looking through the meals then I decided

"So Sophie how long have you known brad for?"

I put my menu down so I could see his face

"Umm well we met in year 7 but then I moved to Manchester when I was in year 10 so not that long"

"Oh" he said nodding his head

Then the waiter came back over

"Are you ready to order"

James nodded at me and I nodded back

"Can I have a chicken pizza with extra chicken please and a diet coke" James said

"Can I have a pepperoni pizza and diet coke please" I looked at James and smiled and then the waiter walked off I then started laughing

"What?" James said looking confused

"You like chicken don't you"

"No... I love it" we both laughed

The rest of the night was just us laughing and of course eating our pizzas too we didn't get dessert because James said there was a bens and jerrys cookie dough ice cream at his and I couldn't help but say yes. once we finished our meal james insited to pay even though i offered i dont know how many times. We walked out of the restaurant and we got into James car. He started the car and the radio turned on to Somebody to you

"Urgh I hate this song" I joked

"Well excuse me I love it" I laughed

"Bit big headed there" he laughed "I was joking by the way"

"I know" he laughed

I then started singing to the words and James sang along too. The next thing I knew we were outside of James' house

"Awh the two lovebirds are back" tris said walking in to the hall way

"Shut up Tris" james said

I could see brad sitting on the sofa watching TV he smiled at me and waved I waved back and too Connor to who waved back

"So Sophie you still want that bens and jerrys" James said walking over to the freezer

"Yes please" I said skipping over to him I love my bens and jerrys

He got me bowl and then I followed him back to the living room along with all the others who now decided they wanted ice cream too. I sat on the sofa, I was next to James but opposite brad I couldn't help but realise him staring at me I just looked down at my ice cream and started to eat it. I feel like things are going to be quite awkward with me and brad since the last time he saw me he told me he loved me don't get me wrong I loved him too but things change I hope he understands, anyway I doubt he has feelings for me any more I must of broke his heart telling him I'm moving away when he just told me he loved me and plus this was years ago. But now Brad's here I feel like it may make things more complicated

"Anyway Sophie where do you live then" Connor asked me, I think he was just trying to break the awkward silence

"Just down the road. I moved hear yesterday with my friends"

"Friends! You mean friends who are girls" connor said looking at me I laughed

"I'm pretty sure they are girls"

We all laughed

"I'm sure they would love to meet you guys why don't you come round tomorrow?" i aksed

"All of us?" Brad asked looking shocked

"Yeah of course all of you" I looked up at James he smiled at me, I smiled back

I looked at my phone to see it was 10

"Oh I better go I didn't think id be this long" I said getting up and taking my bowl to the kitchen James then followed me with his bowl

"I'll show you out" he said walking me to the door he then walked outside and shut the door behind him

"Sophie..." he said my heart raced what was he going to say...

*James POV*

I liked Sophie a lot I mean I had feelings for her so I thought I'd ask her to be my girlfriend

"Sophie..." she stopped and turned back to me

"James?" My heart stopped what if she said no


"Spit it out" she said with a smile on her face

"Umm you don't have to invite the boys tomorrow if you don't want" I didn't I couldn't I was to nervous and I've only known her for a few days

"No it's fine I think the girls would like to meet you and the guys" she smiled "anyway I better go"

"Bye Sophie" I smiled

"Bye James" she smiled and then she walked off

im never gonna be able to ask her am i


Hey guys I hope this part is a bit longer than the other one but not too long ;)

Thanks for reading and dont forget to vote

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