I jolted uo as I felt an arm drop around my shoulders.

"Alright buddy, tell me what's wrong," Sam smiled at me.

I tried laughing, but I couldn't. I just lightly smiled and looked down at the ground.

"Nothing's wrong," I lie. Would Samantha be reliable? I did tell her everything in the past.

She have me a "Seriously?" look and punched me lightly on my stomach and said, "Come on, tell me. I know you want to."

I actually really did want to tell her.

"Okay Samantha. I'm depending on you with my life to not tell anyone. Not even Caitlyn, or my brother. Like if you tell anyone, someone will actually get hurt."

"Well damn, sounds pretty serious. Let me hear it," she said, encouraging me to go on.

I let out a big sigh and told her everything. About Brea, about Alexa, about how it was Brea who did all that to Caitlyn's room, about having to break up with Caitlyn, everything.

By the time I was done, she was shaking her head and looking down at the ground.

"That little...she's actually crazy huh? Who does that? I can't believe...you could've told me sooner so I would've done something before you broke up with Caitlyn," she said, sympathy filling her whole face.

"There's nothing you could've done, she would've done something with you too."

"What could she possibly do to hurt me? If she was to try and separating me and Cam, I would've just told Cam. If the rest of the boys know, then she can't hurt all of us."

"Yea but that would probably end up with us telling the cops or her parents, and trust me, she's a good liar. She would make something up to make us look bad."

"That's why we need a plan."

"I don't know what we could do," I really feel so relieved I have someone knowing about all of this. It was so hard keeping it bottled up inside. At least I had Sam now.

"We'll figure something out. I mean we can't have her doing this forever. Come on let's go inside," she patted my back and helped me up from the ground. As we went inside, everyone arrived and we all went to go to our rooms.

"Sam what am I gonna do? Caitlyn and I share a room now."

"I'll ask her to sleep in me and Cam's room, and Cam will sleep in your room."

I shook my head and we parted to our rooms.

*Caitlyn's p.o.v*

As Cam was setting me down on the bed, he knew I was awake.

"Caitlyn is something wrong," he looked at me as I opened my eyes.

"No I'm fine," I lied.

"I know something's wrong. Come on you could tell me," he looked really worried.

I slightly smiled and said, "I'm fine Cam, thanks for carrying me here."

He chuckled and said, "No problem. Caitlyn, please tell me what's wrong. I don't like seeing you like this."

My smile disappeared and I felt like crying again, just thinking about it. I took in a deep breath and let out a sigh.

"Hayes and I broke up."

He looked shocked and then confused.

"What, why? When?"

"Well, when everyone went inside the theater, Hayes was acting weird and then he said he lost feelings for me and broke up with me."

Finally- Hayes GrierWhere stories live. Discover now