Living Hell

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This world that I live in,

Is making me something that I'm not.

Something quiet, sad, lonely, and deeply depressed.


I feel as if I have some kind of disease,

That makes people dought my actions,

My words,

And my very living existance.


It's as if being in a dark room all alone.

Or in the shadows of a park.

Sitting on a swing, while not even moving.

And the swing next to me has no living soul.

No soul to dare be near me.


All you can hear is the silent whispering of winds.

To me,

It's just like Hell.

But no fire,

No screams.

No scream of a demented soul,

Lost in the underworld.


Yet, I can hear something.

I can hear my weeping sorrow.

My tears crashing,

To my hands resting in my lap.


Do you know what it's like to be alone?


~Summer Miller

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