Movie night

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   "But darling, I just don't understand. Why on earth would he go back just to kill his sister?"  Loki asked, holding the DVD case in his hand, looking at the back of it. His lean body propped up against the kitchen counter, his perfectly tailored black suit was a stark contrast to your white cupboards.
   "Why do you insist on torturing Thor?" You quipped back, pressing the popcorn button on the microwave, not bothering to look at him.
     "I don't torture him." He remarked, straightening his body out.
     "Loki, you once pretended to be a snake just to scare him." You finally looked over at him raising an eyebrow.
    "I pulled a small prank on him." He cocked his head giving you the sweet innocent look.
    "You turned him into a frog."
     "Just some brotherly fun."
    "You put him Hulk's cage and pressed the release button thousands of feet in the air." You added, putting your hands on your hips, while jutting one out.
   "One tiny little thing, love. And he lived." He took a step toward you.
    "You pretended not to know him in front of the grand master so then he would have to fight the Hulk. Knowing full and well he'd get the tar beaten out of him." You sighed, as the popping from the microwave slowly came to end.
   "I was under cover." He retorted, pulling you in as he reached you.
   "My point is, siblings are destined to torture each other. Just Michael takes the cake, and he wants everyone dead, especially her." You say, pulling the bag out, dumping the contends into a bowl. You pushed passed him making your way into the living room, you hear him growl as you pull yourself away.
    "I still don't understand, what is the point of watching it though. If you wanted to see a battle I assure you I could take you to another realm for that." He said as he followed you.
   "No, I don't want to watch a battle. I want to watch teenage kids be murder by a psycho killer." You chuckle, grabbing the DVD from him. You popped it in the DVD player, snagging the remote from the tv stand.
    "They filmed him murdering them?" His face knotting up in confusion. You broke out into laughter, forgetting for a moment the God of Mischief had never seen something as simple as a movie.
    "Oh my god, no. They don't actually kill them. They're actors, it's like a play." You couldn't control your laughter as you plopped down on the couch.
    "Midgardians enjoying watching people be murdered but yet condemn it?" Still confused, he looks at you, waiting for a response. You decided to let whatever trailers were on the DVD to play.
   "No, we don't enjoy watching people get murdered. Yes, we do condemn people who do that, or people who try and take over our world for that matter." You smirk at him, Loki narrows his eyes at you with that comment.
    "I would of made a fair king." His voice drops an octave.
     "Sure, and I'm the queen of England." You jest at him.
    "You could of been a queen, had it not have for my idiot brother and his whining friends." He hissed a bit, touching on a sore subject.
    "Loki, your going squirrel on me." You giggle at your boyfriend antics. "The point of a movie like Halloween is to feel the suspense and waiting for the scare. Is Lori Strode going to get a way? That's what make it soo good. Plus you know, seeing how many different ways Michael kills people is pretty awesome. He's the perfect boogie man."
     "Alright, lets see this movie, Halloween, of yours." He conceded, sitting down next to you. You pressed play on the movie, grabbing the bowl of popcorn, and leaned into him. As the beginning credits rolled in you snuggle deep, tossing a piece of popcorn into the air, catching it your mouth.
    You tossed another one up and caught it again. Loki looked down at you, you were completely oblivious to him watching you as continued your game of tossing a piece at a time.
    "Darling, are you going to do that through whole movie? Cause I can think a much better use for that mouth of yours." He whispered into your ear.

Loki/Tom Hiddleston Where stories live. Discover now