Gakuran: Chokoku's chop is the best. (happy)

Chokoku: I just got use....... (angry)

7) Second time being used

Gakuran: Chokoku, use your karate chop on me if you dare!

Chokoku: I will not fall for your trick this time! (does a normal karate chop)

The watermelon in Gakuran's hands breaks into half

Gakuran: Ahahahaha as expected, Chokoku's chop is the best. (likes to eat watermelon)

Chokoku: I am going to kill you! (Rage)

8) Making use of it

Torigoya (currently in her 'awakened' form): I saw it~

Yuko who is being pressed on the head by Torigoya: Bastard! I have never thought it would be this painful...... I was too careless!

Sado: Yuko-san! Torigoya, what are you doing?! (rage)

Yuko: Sado! Stand back! I can manage it alone!

Sado: But....(worried)

Yuko: I can stand it..... tell me, Torigoya, what did you see?

Torigoya: I saw it~ Your wallet is in the skirt that you wore yesterday~

Yuko: I knew I didn't lose it! Hahaha now I can relax, it's still at home~~

Sado: So you just forgotten where you put your wallet?!

9) Advisor

Nezumi: Hehehehe~ We will only have to wait for Rappapa and maeda to fight, and when they are both hurt then we can use the opportunity~ (scheming)

Matsui: Are you sure this plan will not have any problems?

Nezumi: I am the best advisor of the Nezumi Team, everything is under my control! (confident)

Matsui: Can you say all these after you come down from the pole?

Nezumi: Then chase that cat away!!! It's scary!!! (not letting go of the pole)

10) Cat's gratitude

Matsui: But, why are you so scared of cats? Is it really because of your name?

Nezumi (unwanted flashbacks): When I was young, I fed a wild cat.....the next day, it went into my room secretly and left dead rat on my bed.......

Matsui: I heard this is called the cat's gratitude, you suck, even a dead rat can leave a shadow in your life.

Nezumi: Not just one.......but a whole bed of it...... I thought I was being pressed down by ghosts....(unwanted flashbacks)

Matsui: Exactly what did you feed it...........

11) New member

Yuko: Yahoo~ I brought a new member here today~

Sado: Is it somebody who has special talent?

Torigoya: Is she cute?

Shibuya: Is she stronger than me?

Black: Is she qualified to join us?

Yuko: Look~~~Jjang jjang jjang~~~ Chipmunk-kun~~~

Sado: Why is it a chipmunk?!

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