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Erika's pov: Hi I'm Erika Costell I am 19 years old and came to L.A to make my dream come true. Now what's that dream? You may be thinking, well it is to become a famouse model I just got out of my flight and I need Starbucks and I also already contacted the modeling agency and ended up getting hired along with 2 other girls.

Tessa's pov: I just landed in L.A to become a model and I already contacted a modeling agency and ended up getting hired along with 2 other girls. Btw my name is Tessa Brooks and I am 19. I needed Starbucks so I went and got some

Danielle's pov: I came to L.a to become a mode, I am 19 and I already got hired in a modeling agency along with 2 other girls. Anyways so my flight just landed and I needed Starbucks so I went and got some

They all go to Starbucks and bump into each other

All: Omg I'm so sorry

All: No it's ok

All: Ok lets stop duing this it's creepy

They laugh

Erika=E Tessa=T Danielle=D

E: Hi I'm Erika but rik for short

T: I'm Tessa and my friends call me Tess

D: And I am Danielle but you can call me Dani for short

All: I have a feeling we are gonna be bff's

They laugh

E: Ok frlz let's hang out later and learn more about each other

T: Sure how about tonight at 8 we go out for dinner

E&D: Sure see you later at...


They laugh and exchange numbers

Hi how do u like my story so far it will have sime Jerika later but keep reading because it will get jusy at like the 10- the whole story chapters and tge top.picture shows whar they r wearing.


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