Chapter one

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Carmen's POV

Today is my first day of Hollywood arts high school this should be a fun expirience

"Hey you must be Carmen!" a tall really pretty brunet girl comes up to me as i walk through the door

"Yeah"i respond with an excited grin plastered on my face that just won't come off

"Oh my gosh your so pretty "she says to me an I can feel my face become red

"Thanx "I whisper

"Oh sorry I'm Victoria. victoria justice but everybody calls me Tori so you can call me tori " she rambles

Tori grab my hand and starts pulling me towards

"Where are you taking me? " I ask tori

"Oh right I forgot I want you to meet my friends...see" she points her finger at to group of students and she pulls me towards them

"Hey guys I want you to meet my new friend. she's new here" she tells the group of friends I died my hair completely red a couple days before I moved here

"Oh look she has red hair just like me hehe" a red headed girl says while playing with her hair and looking at me I smile at her

"Oh hi I'm Kat" she looks at me with such innocence it's really adorable

She kinda looks like me

Who am I kidding I think we could be twins if It wasn't for the fact that I'm darker and I have brown and green eyes

"Yes Kat she also looks like your twin" says a black guy not trying to be racist

"Yeah...." Kat responds the black guy

"Oh yeah I'm Andre"he smiles at me and gives me a small wave

"Yeah! She probably also acts like you!" a girl with green highlights and black hair

I may be judging her but she looks gothic and mean so yeah

""i said

"Oh come on jade your scaring her" tori pouted at the goth chick named jade

I already don't like her lol 😒

" names Carmen" I said trying to be nice an not make everything awkward

"Bec" the guy with a hand around jades shoulder and raised a finger

"Hi bec" I said

Wow way to make everything awkward

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2015 ⏰

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