Chapter 1- A Wednesday 13 Fanfiction

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Opening my eyes, my sight was assaulted by the sun. So I closed them instead trying to gather myself. I thought my silk pillow would've greeted me, instead it was cold, wet grass. My entire body felt like it had been torn to pieces. I didn't remember anything from the night before. Glancing to the left, I noticed my best friend huddled upon the grass.
What the hell went on here last night? Why were we outside?
Getting up, I nearly tripped over my own feet as I slipped. Lifting my sneaker up, I noticed dried blood. Rubbing my head, I noticed the headstones that decorated the grass. Great, we woke up in a cemetery again.
My phone began to ring in my pocket, causing me to jump slightly.
"Where the hell are you?" A voice asked sharply.
'"Ugh, why do you have to yell? I'm in a cemetery." I said, looking around.
'Where is Wednesday? I've been looking for you guys all night!" He said.
"He's here. But I don't remember much of anything." I confessed.
''Well, come home." He said.
Hanging up the phone, I walked back to the sleeping skinny, black mass. But his familiar scent made me feel instantly at ease.
"Wednesday, wake up." I said as I tapped him.
"No, I'm chasing bunny rabbits." He mumbled sleepily.
"Come on. Roman's freaking out because he can't find us." I informed him.
"Fine. I'm awake." He said getting to his feet.
"What the hell happened to you? You look like you just got murdered." Wednesday asked looking at me.
''I'm not sure, I remember drinking, and following you here. For some reason it seemed like a good idea to follow you completely sloshed." I said as we began to walk home.
"Well that doesn't help. I can't really remember anything either. I thought Roman came with us too. You're sure you're okay? Wednesday asked looking at me.
"I think so. I don't think anything bad happened. I think." I laughed
"Damn, well that makes two of us." Wednesday laughed as I slipped on a bottle of Jack Daniels.
"That looks familiar." He said as he grabbed the bottle from me.
"Yeah, that looks like it's the problem." I said as I lit a cigarette.
"Why the hell do you dirt all over your pants?" I asked.
"No idea. Why is there dried blood on you?" He asked, grabbing my shirt.
"Good question. Maybe I am a vampire." I joked, grinning at him.
"You wish." He responded.
Why couldn't I remember anything from last night? I was used to drinking and every so often I'd get completely drunk to the point where I couldn't recall anything. But this was the third or fourth time we had woken up in a cemetery with each other. For some reason strange things happened when Wednesday and I were together. Lost in my own thoughts, I hadn't realized that we had made it home.
"About time you're home!!!" Roman exclaimed, pulling me into a hug.
"It's just us. Why so happy?" Wednesday asked.
At that moment, I pulled away from Roman; an unfamiliar scent catching my attention. Who else was here? Why was I picking up a scent?
"No, its not just us." I snarled defensively.
"Did you just growl at me?" Wednesday asked, raising his eyebrow.
"No." I stated as I walked into the house, ready to find out who was there with us. I made a bee line for the fridge, I opened it looking for a Red Bull. But I was caught off guard as my entire body went stiff. I was vaguely aware that Weddy and Roman came into the kitchen. The unfamiliar scent made me nervous, and I felt; almost lethal. Before I knew it Weddy and Roman were safe between myself and the fridge. My knuckles had cracked and a low menacing growl came from my throat. Whoever was here would get their head ripped off.
Nothing was going to happen to my guys. Especially Weddy, that thought had me seeing red. I'd do anything for him.
"Down girl." The voice joked. He didn't need an introduction. It was Rob Zombie.
"Hey, its okay, babe." Weddy whispered.
That assurance eased my fear, but I was still rigid and lethal.
"Roman said you were protective of them." Rob said.
"Very much so." I replied.
"What's new with you, man?" Weddy asked, stepping out from behind me.
I met Romans gaze as he looked confused. Sitting down at the kitchen stool, my body to relax as I calmed down. My boys were safe. Thank the gods.
"Sorry about that. I'm a freak of nature or something, lately. I tend to freak out if I think my guys are in danger." I explained.
"Don't you worry. I've seen a lot of things in my time. Maybe its not so bad you care for them as you do." Rob smiled at me.
"Well, I'm going to clean up. I'll see you after a bit." I replied sliding off the stool. That small movement caused a sharp pain in my ribcage. Nothing crazy, just enough to grab my attention. Biting my lip, and grabbing my drink I started to walk down the stairs.
What the hell was going on with me? I had been hung over plenty of times. I had been sick plenty of times, but this was unexplainable.

Something HAD happened last night. Some crazy, weird visitation. Or maybe it was a dream? Maybe it was a hallucination. Maybe I HAD done something different with Wednesday? Had I done some weird drug? I had no idea. I couldnt remember anything. As soon as I opened the door, everything smelled like Wednesday. My senses were on high alert. I immediatley knew where all the hiddem drugs were. Heading the dresser cabinet I pulled out a glass bowl and took a hit.
After sitting down on the bed and consuming the bowl, I started to think about Wednesday in ways I never had. I ran over to the laundry basket, and sniffed around only to follow the smell back to the bed where was covered in his scent.
His SCENT? What the hell??
Was I a dog or something now? Running up the stairs, my heart pounding as getting Wednesday was the only thought in my head.
"Wha-" he began as soon as I got to him. I cut him off and hungrily attacked his lips. As soon as my lips crashed against his, fireworks exploded behind my eyes and certain parts of me where tingly.
"The fuck?" Weddy asked ripping away from me, holding his hand to his lip.
"Did you just fucking bite me?!" He asked startled as his lip began to curve upward in a smirk. Only as he did that, it made me almost weak in the knees. My only rational thought was "MINE..."
"Excuze us, freak of nature, remember? " I smirked shyly at everyone.
I grabbed Wednesday by the shirt and began to lead him down the stairs, but I swear I could feel his heart beating with excitement and fear. I couldnt take it anymore. Hearing him breath and feeling his heartbeat only made me more excited. I stopped and pushed him against the wall, attacking his lips.
"What the fuck, Jaxx?" He asked, pushing me off.
"I don't know Weddy. I just have to have you. I need you, in the worst way." I almost cried, rubbing up on him.
"Something crazy happened last night." He smirked.
"I think so. I know it sounds crazy, but its like I can hear your heart beating." I confessed.
He looked at me and laughed; amused. "So it wasn't a hallucination then, it really happened." He said lowering his voice.
"What happened? The stranger there this morning?" I asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2016 ⏰

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