A Little Something

Start from the beginning

When Amia stomped down the stairs about ten minutes later, Hollem knew that he was going to be dealing with an angry beast. A small one, but those usually have the sharpest claws. 

"I'm not going to be fucking anyone today, am I?" He hissed as he followed Hollem out the front door. 

Since he couldn't really hide the large cart sitting right in front of them, he turned around and shrugged. "The brothel needs supplies." 

It wasn't like he wanted to go, either. 

The look on his face almost made Hollem feel guilty about tricking him. "Come on, the sooner we get this done, the sooner we can get back and hopefully sleep a bit longer." 

That didn't seem to improve the guy's mood, so Hollem just kept his mouth closed and grabbed both handles of the cart. He'd tow it to the market, and Amia could help bring it back. 

They walked awkwardly spread out until the bustle of the market forced them a little closer to keep from being swept away in the current of bodies. 

The cart managed to be enough of a deterrent to keep everyone from pressing in on him, but he could see Amia struggling as they got into the heavier throngs of market-goers. He even noticed a few people glancing back at him, and one older man even turned around and was blatantly stalking him through the thick crowd. 

Why is he even interested? I swear his clothing should keep most eyes off of him.

They couldn't exactly hide that he was pretty handsome, but the grungy clothing should have helped  deter people a little. When the guy got within several feet of Amia, Hollem licked his lips and began hauling the cart in his direction, cutting off several uneven lines of foot traffic. He got shouted at more than a couple times but he made it to Amia just in time to tug him close, making the white-haired man who was just reaching for him suddenly jump back and disappear into the crowd. 

"Pay attention." Hollem said as he released Amia to pick up the other side of the cart he'd had to drop. "Walk in front of me." 

Crossing his arms over his chest, Amia did as told, but not before Hollem heard him mumbled. "I should have let the guy have me. Maybe then I'd at least be allowed to do some work." 

Biting his tongue on a response, Hollem walked silently behind Amia until they neared the vegetable vendor who normally gave them a pretty good deal since they bought in bulk. 

"Stop here." He said as he set the cart by the booth, not turning to face the vendor until he saw Amia hesitantly come to a stop, then slowly backup until he was standing a few feet from him. 

Hollem would have just let him be, but since he'd already been followed once and nearly grabbed, he didn't bother trying to get him to come closer with a command, and instead just snagged his arm and pulled him to his side before turning his attention to the vendor. 

He ended up buying fifty pounds of potatoes, celery, radishes, onions, carrots, corn, and several different kinds of lettuce. 

Amia refused to offer to help him load them, and he didn't bother asking. When they were all set, he headed over to the meat vendor. He got a few large fish and some salted beef, pork, and about twenty chickens. 

He noticed Amia wandering toward the next door booth as he worked on getting everything loaded. He almost dropped a few things as he worked, but he didn't dare take his eyes off of the guy in case he got grabbed again. 

He was just finishing loading up the pork, intent on getting the chickens next, then heading back, when he noticed Amia staring at something in the other booth. He had the very tip of his thumb between his lips, nibbling without really thinking, it seemed. Leaning closer, he realized that he was staring at a bowl of pomfret cakes. 

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