13. Riding Shotgun With A Maniac On The Road To Crazy

Start from the beginning

"I still can't believe I agreed to do that though."

"I can't either, but I was hoping you would."

I smiled, then frowned. Behind Spencer was the one and only Nixon. He's everywhere all the time. I can't stand it!

"What's the matter?" Spencer asked.

"Just the stupid ass Nixon."

"You don't like him?"

"No! He's such a jerk! Last time I saw him, he said I sold out and I'm now a ho."

Spencer actually looked angry. "Can I go beat his ass?"

"I would like you to, but I don't want to cause a scene."

"I'm good at causing scenes though."

"I know you are, but please don't." I laughed.

He sighed. "Fine."

I made eye contact with Nixon by accident. He just rolled his eyes. I glared and looked away.

"So what are we going to do the rest of the day?"

"Hmm...well, I actually promised Marie we would go to the park today."

"Oh! Okay."

"Would you care to join us?"

"I'd love to." I smiled.


"Let's go Marie!" Spencer said excitedly as they both ran up the jungle gym.

I smiled. It's so cute. "Spencie!" She yelled happily.

I sat on the bench and watched them. Then I saw his holding her and they were looking over at me.

"Pole-no-py!" Marie yelled.

I smiled and waved. "She wants you to come and play with us." Spencer said laughing.

"Uh...I'm not big on jungle gyms."

"Pease!" Marie begged.

"Okay, fine."

I got up and played with them. We played hide n' seek. Spencer was it while I helped Marie hide.

It was actually a lot of fun.

After a while I was getting too worn out. "Wow, you both have a lot of energy."

"Like father like daughter." Spencer whispered to me.

I chuckled.

After a while more people showed up and there were just too many kids for my comfort level. I'm not exactly a kid person.

Spencer walked over with Marie. "So, she wants ice cream. What about you?"

"Ice cream sounds nice." I smiled.

We walked to the ice cream shop. Spencer and I were each holding one of Marie's hands.

It was so cute.

Then that's when things got....bad.

"Spencer Parsons!" I heard someone yell from behind us.

We all stopped and turned around. I heard Spencer gasp.

It was a girl. She was pretty, but looked kind of...down trodden. She had the same brown curls as Marie. I'm getting a bad feeling about this.


She stomped up to us. "Yeah, It's been a while hasn't it." She sneered.

"Yeah, I'd say judging by Marie, almost two and a half years." He snapped back. I could feel the tension in the air.

"Yes, well, I had to kind of get my life in order. I've come back to take Marie off your hands."


"Yes, I was on my way to your house as we speak, but I saw you at the park and well, here I am."

"You cannot take Marie."

"Why not? She's my daughter too."

"Yes, but you left her!"

"Well, I'm better now and I want her back!"

"It doesn't work like that Valerie!"

She took a deep breath. "Listen, I'm going to go shopping right now and I'll be over at your house tonight."

"How do you know where I live?"

"I have connections."

She turned on her heels and walked off.

"Wow, that's Valerie?"

"I can't believe she showed up here. I never dreamed I would even see her again."

"She doesn't seem very pleasant."

"She's not. Let's just get some ice cream and get back to my house."


Marie was blissfully unaware of what was going on and enjoyed her ice cream as we walked home. I personally was worried about how Spencer was taking Valerie being back. I hope this all goes okay.

** I know it's a crappy chapter, but bare with me. I'm sort of feeling haphazardish with this story lol. Sorry about that. I'll try to make it better next time. =)))**

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