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He vowed to himself he would not try to hit on her in case he spoilt the new-found peace between them. Only he knew how precarious it was considering the weak emotional commitment level of Rhea.

After a pep talk with himself, he felt ready to face her but as soon as he joined her in the living room, his heart flipped over. Damn! Not again. It was like mission impossible for him to control his feelings whenever he saw her.

It was simply unfair for her to look so edible in her dark green dress which outlined her hour glass figure to the perfection. Standing in her matching green stiletto heels, she looked taller than usual and Adam realized that she had never worn such high heels before. Her auburn hair was swept away from her shoulders which gave her neck a slender and sleek look. With a light green make-up, she looked absolutely delicious.

The compliment was on the tip of his tongue but he had to bite his tongue to prevent the words out. He knew it would fluster her and he wanted her as happy and carefree as she had sounded earlier.

“Ready?” he asked casually and was glad to find an element of surprise in her grey eyes. She must have expected him to comment on her appearance or something. Which only meant that she was aware of how good she looked. She must have taken the care to dress herself up and Adam felt his sixth sense kick in more than ever.

There was definitely something wrong in the picture. He was not fool enough to believe that suddenly Rhea had developed romantic feelings for him. Not with her notorious background. Adrenalin kicked in as he felt some challenge going to come up his way.

“Sure, let’s go.”

She actually beamed at him and Adam gulped down his urge to snatch her in his arms for a fervent kiss. Turning round to hide his feelings, he opened the garage door and beeped his Rolls Royce to unlock the car and waited for her to pass the open door.

As she walked past him, he sniffed in her perfume which smelled queerly like his favourite musk and he had to control his violent nature once again. Damn! It was going to be hard for him to control himself through the night considering he was already rock hard. And they had not even stepped out of the house.

Adam was surprised to find that she expected him to open the car door for her; it was something he used to do with his real girlfriends but was so comfortable around her that he would have completely missed out doing such a gallant thing for her. Adam was stunned and clearly perplexed; Rhea was behaving like it was a real date but he knew better.

Even when they reached the restaurant, she waited out of the door once again expecting him to open for her. Which he did promptly. And was immediately greeted by the staff and led to a secluded place.

And this time without waiting for her obvious cue, he pulled the chair for her feeling as nervous as a kid by that time. What would he give to know what was going on in her mind right now. It was not something good, he was sure.

Or maybe he was only being paranoid. Like he had been earlier when he had expected her to cancel their date. Hell, he was feeling so uncertain around her that he wished he could tamper down his insecurities and decided to do just that. Hell, he would enjoy the evening, no matter what.

“So, what will you have?” he asked putting down the menu feeling a bit exasperated with himself for having to hide his feelings behind a menu.

“Why don’t you chose for me?” she practically cooed looking indecisive. Adam tried not to analyse the innocent demand further. So what if it was her favourite restaurant? So what if she was used to every meal here? She wanted her to choose for him which was a novelty but it did not mean anything. But it was difficult to digest.

Say You Love Me [COMPLETED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora