All You Need To Know (for now)

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I live in the West Coast part of the US. I'm not gonna say which state unless I dm someone saying which one. But I do live in a well known city in that area.

I write mostly General Fiction and Chicklit, but I'm writing a story in the Spiritual genre. Check it out in my works.

I am a part of the 🏳️‍🌈 community. (You can probably tell from my bio.)

I am a part of a lot of fandoms, but I'm an undercover fan girl.

List of some of my fandoms:
-Harry Potter
-Percy Jackson
-Divergent (even though its long over by now)
-Ouran Host Club
-Stranger Things

I am a Netflix fanatic. As you saw, I watch Riverdale, Stranger Things, and Sherlock. (I've actually got my dad hooked on Sherlock.)

I hate neon colors.

My favorite colors are blue, green, and silver.

I'm white. Irish, Scottish, German, Canadian, and Russian to be exact.

I've had other profiles on here in the past, but I was ghost on them. But I did write a half decent story on one of them. ( Dramione Forbidden Love. Has five parts.)

I love dogs and have had six as pets through out my life.

Remember: don't be a silent reader💎.

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