Chapter 1

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The boat rocked back and forth violently as they entered the devil's triangle, their compass, gps and radio stopped working completely as they got further into the dangerous seas rain started to pour down onto their boat filling up little places in their boat.. As they got closer to the middle the outline of the islands were becoming apparent to them "We're almost there" Rose smiled softly as she spoke "Your right Rose, at least we'll be able to get out of this rain." Ty said holding onto the wheel of the boat making sure that it stays on corse.

"Sophia! Daniel! We will be docking at the island Artemis, so everyone get ready" Ty called to them from the top deck to them at who are at the bottom deck. A murmur of responses came up through the deck along with the sounds of people shuffling about and crates moving about. "You should go down and help them Rose" Ty suggested trying to get the young woman to help them with her guns and weapons. The young woman sighed nodding heading down to the others.

Walking down to the cargo hold where Sophia and Daniel were packing things ready for their time on the island. Sophia was standing there with a clipboard while Daniel was reading out the supplies that we still had and what we would need more of. "Need any help?" Rose smiled softly holding on to the doorway "Well, if you don't want anyone touching your babies you can pack them, clean them and do whatever you need to do with them now before I do it." Daniel smirked chuckling at the younger female.

"Don't you dare!" She pouted glaring at him, Sophia laughing at the two of them bicker like children only causing Rose to glare at her "Do you want to be hit!!" She pouted stomping her foot on the ground "You won't do anything to us, you love us too much." Sophia teased, Daniel was laughing his ass off at Rose and you could even faintly hear Ty laughing while he was driving the boat. Rose was always being teased from them because she was smaller than the rest of them always having to look up to them when talking to anyone of them.

Sophia was a little taller than her by a head, Daniel and Ty are the tallest of the bunch standing over the two girls by almost a foot. Teasing Rose was fun to them because of how flustered she got from the smallest of things. She may be the smallest out of the bunch, but she has the sharpest shot out of the two girls, Daniel is getting close to her accuracy with his shots.

"Well, you guys can't talk!! I have a better shot than all of you guys!" The small female pouted getting all flustered. Sophia and Daniel rolled their eyes sighing shaking their heads smiling "Yeah, but I am slowly getting better." Daniel smiled as he watched Rose as she packed up her guns, swords and her bow and arrows.

"You guys better be done!" Ty yelled from the deck "Why?" Daniel yelled back confused looking at the two girls for answers. "Because we are here! Now get your shit together and let's go." Ty ordered laughing "Yeah, yeah Capitan, get off your little pedestal, you are the youngest on here." Sophia sarcastically spoke as she picked up a crate and started talking it up to the top deck of the boat "Come on guys, pick up your stuff and let's go. We have things to do." Sophia smiled looking back at Rose and glaring at Daniel.

"Why doesn't she like me?" The confused guy asked Rose as she started pulling together her bags and crates. "She doesn't like anyone Dan." Rose sighed throwing a bag over to Daniel "But she likes you!" Daniel whined looking down at the small female, "She may like me, but I have known her longer than you." She poked her tongue out at him smiling walking up the stairs to meet with Sophia as they set up their things.

Sighing as he was left alone in the lower cabin "Why can't I be her partner, why can't I be as good as Rose. She is mine, not hers." Daniel spoke jealousy lacing his voice "You coming up?" Ty asked walking in grabbing his things looking at his partner "You alright?" Ty asked worried for his partner, "I am fine, why do you ask?" You zoned out for a sec just watching where Rose left through the door." Ty's voice was laced with concern for his friend "I am fine." Daniel said firmly picking up his bag and walking out the door with Ty following in suit behind him.

Rose and Sophia where already off the boat and on the beach of the island. "The sand is so pretty and soft!!" Rose squealed like a little child giggling running around with her shoes off "Rose, don't do anything stupid!" Sophia yelled chasing after her laughing. Ty and Daniel were standing on the edge of the beach laughing at the oldest of them acting like a child. "She may be older than us, but she is the smallest and the most childest out of all of us." Ty said smiling "I can't believe the captain put her in charge." Daniel sighed "I am more qualified than her for this job." "Daniel, get over it. She was put in charge because the capitan likes her and she is in charge because she has knowledge on these villages and the mythology behind it." Ty explained to him as they watched Sophia chase after Rose.

Sophia came up pulling an upset Rose behind her "Well, now that is wrapped up. Can we please get started on setting up?" Sophia sighed shaking her head looking at the two boys pulling Rose in front of her pushing her into the boys arms. "Now with you two watching her, she shouldn't get into any trouble with anything." The woman asked sternly as she spoke like a mother to her kids. "Can you two mange watching her?" Sophia asked staring them down, the both boys nodded "Yes Ma'am!" They stood up straight holding on to Rose's shoulders.

Rose looked up at the two tilting her head slightly and just said "Can we go swimming?" Making the three sigh and shake their heads "Go for it, just not to far." Daniel sighed smiling. She smiled looking at the boys "Swim with me?" They only nodded as the small girl ran to the water pulling her clothing off as she went. "God dammit Rose." The three muttered.

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