"Alright, alright! I'll go." Chyna said trying to speak over him. Cap gave a triumphant smile and kissed her cheek. "Yous lucky you're cute" Chyna muttered. Cap arched a brow and leaned away a bit "jus cute?" He asked placing on a mock face of pain. "Jus cute" Chyna repeated. Cap chuckled, "I kinda like it when you're mean." He said following after her to his horse.

When they reached town, Chyna quickly found out the real reason Cap wanted her to come with them to the Saloon. She sat on the edge of the bed and buttoned up her shirt. Cap had just finnished geting dressed again. "Put on a bit of the cologne they keeps in the vanity drawer and then come here so I can fix ypur hair." Chyna said. Cap dipped a bit of the fragrance on his wrists. It didn't smell all that great but it was much better than the alternative.

He then sat on the bed and let Chyna comb and smooth his hair with her hands. Chyna laughed softly as he melted under her touch. "You really like having your hair messed withb dontcha?" She said. "Not really, just when you do it, i used to hate when Ma would fix my hair as a kid. Messy hair is fine with me." said Cap.

Chyna finished and gave him a light shove off the bed. "Wait til you see one of the other girls ead down stairs an' go down the steps with her. That way no one will know nothin" Chyna said. Cap frowned and sighed. He didnt like hidding it but for her sake, he would. "Ok," he said. "I'll be headed down too shortly."

Cap left the room and did as he was told. Heading to the Table with Jim and Cotton he spotted Luella, she was playing with Johnsey's hair and trying her hardest to seduce him into staying. Yet as always, Johnsey stormed out of the Saloon drunkin and moody.

"Tara! Get a sir a bottle!" Cap called out to the girl he'd walked down the steps with. Tara new about the arrangement Luella had set Chyna up with. She didn't like it, but Luella had also talked her father into giving Tara free drinks for not complaining and keeing her mouth shut about Cap and Chyna.

"Tara!" Cap called again. But Tara was flirting with Alex Messer to care. Cap sighed and got up himself to go to the bar.

Cotton testing his might, played with a candle he hoved the tip of his finger over the fire.  Luella lost her battle and Johnsey stormed ut again. "Johnsey!" She called after him but he was gone. In a rage Luella stomped over to Cap, Cotton and Jimcs table. Slaming her palms onto it.

"I love Johnsey Hatfield so much" she said in sorrow. "Why dont he see that?" Jim rolled his eyes at her question. Cotton however pondered it for a moment and then leaned towards Luella. "On accounta you're a whore?" He said.

Chyna had just walked down the steps and quickly covered her mouth and ran back up to the rooms to release her laughter.

"Better than some McCoy Bitch!" Luella shouted giving the table a shake before stomping off. Cap returned to the table after Luella left, bottle in hand. He didn't like to be around while she was on a "why not me" kick. As it was often result in her bothering him with questions about what could make Johnsey interested in her. And Hecwas about one more of those away from telling her "blonde hair and being named Roseanna".

Jim zeroed in on a man in the corner, he was new and they rarely got new faces in town. Furthermore he'd hat his eyes on Cap since he'd come down the stairs. Cap poured himself a glass and glanced up towards the stairs. It was taking Chyna an awfully long time.

In the corner of the bar Deputy Miller checked a wanted paper down on his lap under the table. A man and a woman were inging and causing a scene, he thought he could go unoticed.

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