Chapter One

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Those were his lips.
So soft, and vulnerable.
Parted into a smile, deep with dimples.
They would open up,
And his laugh would echo through any room.
The sound stops me,
Melts me,
Makes me beam.
Because I know it's him.
And when it's him.
It's him.
It's my everything.
He's my everything.
My Aeipathy.





He met her eyes, and it felt like the sun had just melted everything wrong in the world, but at the same time, it felt so lost.

She looked scared, and empty. Her eyes kept flickering to his, and then away again.

She was the most beautiful girl He had ever seen.

She was pale, and she had dark brown hair, with pink lips. He didn't know what her smile looked like, but didn't doubt it would be gorgeous.

He couldn't move, He couldn't breathe. His green eyes were locked on her grey ones, and she was frozen too.


Harry's head whipped towards Liam, his eyes wide, and his head dazed.

"What? Yeah-"

Liam furrows his eyebrows.

"What's gotten into you Haz? What's got you're attention?"

Harry swallowed hard, before pointing over to where she was, both of they're heads turned over, and Harty's heart sunk.

She was gone.

Liam looks back at him, his eyes confused.

"Harry, what did you see?"

"A-A girl was just there, I swear.."

Liam sighed.

"A girl, Harry? You saw a girl? There's no one over there..", Liam says, the hint of sympathy in his voice.

Harry nodded, nevertheless.

"Yes, I'm dead serious, Liam. She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen."

Liam gave me a small smile.

"I'm sure she was, Haz."

With that, he began walking again.

Harry hesitated, and then began following him his head down, watching his feet as he did.

So many questions went through Harry's mind. Who was she? Where was she from? What did she like? He didn't know, but He wanted to.

Liam was taking me to a concert, it was somebody Harry had never heard of.

The poster outside the venue had a picture of the silhouette of a girl, the name 'Alex Carpenter' was plastered on the front of it.

Liam and Harry handed in their tickets, and then headed inside the venue, up to the balcony seats. They tended to get higher seats with the good views, but also in spots they were less likely to be recognized.

It's not that they didn't love the fans, Harry loved them with his entire heart, but it made leaving complicated, and they didn't want to draw the attention away from the actual performers.

The show was due to start in ten minutes. They had arrived a little later than thy would have liked, but it didn't matter. Harry wouldn't be focused on the performer anyways. His mind was else wear, and it probably would be for a long time.

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