Double D's P.O.V.

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Double Dee's Point Of View.

"Eddy, please listen!" I swatted his hand away from my various knick-knacks about my room. He groaned, turning to face me. "What?" A sigh escaped my throat. "We are the head of the welcoming committee.." Eddy scoffed. "Annnd?" I pinched the bridge of my nose. "Eddy. There is a new girl in the school. We are the welcoming committee." I paused, waiting to see if he'd connect the dots. He stood there with a blank expression on his face. "We have to show her around!" I raised my voice. Ed stared at me. "Double Dee's dark side makes my arm-pits sweat, Eddy." I rubbed my forehead. "Guys, just please make a good impression on this girl. We might have one person who doesn't look at us like a bunch of dorks. Now gentlemen, let's get going.. Shall we?" I opened the door, allowing them to get out. I adjusted my tie, before shutting and locking the door behind me.

Eddy shoved his hands in his pockets, doing his usual laid-back stroll. "We've never shown anyone around Peach Creek before. What the hell are we even gonna welcome her to?" He scoffed. "Well, maybe we could highlight some good points about this town! Like the football field, or the candy sto-"
"OR THE LANDING OF THE GREAT BRAINSUCKING ALIENS OF THE PLANET VORB 52A!!" Ed screamed into my ear. "Yeah.. thanks Ed." I sighed, rubbing my temple. "Anyways, I've already come up with a small list of things we could show her. Whether she likes them or not.. well. There's not much I can do there." Eddy snickered, yanking the list from my hands. "Yeah, she's gonna hate this stuff." I took it back from him, feeling my face get hot. "Okay Eddy. Be negative all the time. " He raised an eyebrow. "I think there's more to this than "wanting to make a good impression for a new friend." Do you like this chick?" His face twisted as if he were about to laugh. "How can I like someone I don't even know yet? Don't be silly!" I turned away, walking a little further ahead of him and Ed. "Ohhkayy. " He turned to Ed. "Double Dee has the hots for the new chick."

An Ed Edd n Eddy story. {Featuring me!}Where stories live. Discover now