Chapter 2-Meeting Andrew

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 Uhh h-hi there the name is Andrew nice to meet you. I really don't talk much after I get out of the house, I try to stay as unseen as possible to avoid him. Oh if you didn't know I'm gay yeah I know scary right. But, I didn't come out on my own I really didn't want to come out in highschool but he made me to help himself out. You see Luka found out I was gay when he caught me and Jack making out in the bathroom one day. It wasn't my fault he came on to me and I just let him I mean Jack is my best friend and savior. Well let me tell you about my friends there is Jack,Alex,and Ethan. Jack is the bi-sexual flirty one and his sister Alex short for Alexandria she hates that name and she is the crazy one. Lastly,there is Ethan he's the nerd friend he is really helpful to me and helps in any way possible like with my cuts and scars. He want to become a doctor or a therapist when he leaves. Welp I think that that is all and the cheerleaders have finally stopped playing with my hair talking about how soft it is. They say I could be a really cute girl if I ever wanted to try cross dressing.

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