What happened part 1

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*Omega POV*

After Flame Boy,I mean Leo, Nico, and I left CHB, we just wandered around New York. That was our first mistake. We were in Central Park when a hellhound, a drakon, and an emposa attacked us. What fun.

They chased us into the woods when I literally ran into Artemis. Oh great.

With a single arrow she killed all the monsters, don't ask how because I don't know. Then Artemis looked at me. We bowed

“Hello Percy, Nico, and Leo. What are you doing in the woods? It's summertime and you should be at camp." she said. We were still bowing.

“Lady Artemis. Me and my friends are, erm, on a quest. We were sent by Grover Underwood to plant more trees. We were in Central Park planting flowers when those monsters chased us here. I apologize for running into you and disrupting your Hunters.

She looked as if she was going to turn us into jackals when a blinding light started and I averted my eyes, along with my friends, the Hunters, and even Artemis. When the light stopped a man was standing there, dressed in a suit. Artemis gasped at him and started bowing to him, the Hunters and my friends following her lead.

“Lord Chaos. What are you doing on Earth?" Artemis asked.

“Rise Artemis, Hunters, and the boys. And do not call me Lord, Artemis. It makes me feel old. I am on Earth to recruit some new Soldiers. Persues, Nico, and Leonardo, please come up." Chaos said, looking at us. His eyes landed on me and he looked shocked.

“Omega, is that you?" he said looking at me. I looked at him and I had a short memory of some sort,I remembered Chaos holding me as a baby and saying he was my real father.


“Omega! It is you! I saw what happened to your life, with that girl cheating on you. I have come to retrieve you and your friends, Leo and Nico." he said, smiling broadly.

“Um, Chaos, why were you retrieving us,I mean I understand you retrieving Per- Omega, but why us?" Leo said. Chaos chuckled.

“I come to Earth to recruit the betrayed, the  forgotten, and the outcasts. I came to get you because you were always the 3rd/7th wheel. I came to get Nico because not many people accepted his eccentric lifestyle and Hades hates him. And Omega was betrayed and outcast. I sense someone else who was betrayed and joined the Hunters because of that betrayal. Thalia Grace, daughter of Zeus." he replied.

“Lord Chaos, how did you know it was me?" Thalia said, looking shocked.

“I can sense your pain. If you  want to join, say 'I wish to join Chaos' Soldiers.' and I will accept you all." he said.

I looked at them and in unison we all said 'I wish to join Chaos' Soldiers.'

Percy Jackson;BetrayedWhere stories live. Discover now