Sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare

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This is it. My luck has officially run out.

Author's POV
FP was tired and he couldn't wait to finally get home. The diner was crowded tonight and he was all over the place.

He assumed that he'd be alone and that he could relax a bit, but was disappointed, once he saw the, almost naked, girl stretched out on his couch.

He sighed. - "Why aren't you out with friends?" - he asked. - "I'm talking to you, Harley." - he said. - "You're not gonna answer me?" - he spoke up again, after a short while of silence.

He walked over to her and he realized that she wasn't awake, rather, she was asleep. And it seemed as if it wasn't a very pleasant dream she was having. She was panting and her eyes were tightly shut, her breathing was fast and uneven.

"Harley?!" - he decided that it would be for the best if he were to wake her up. - "Harley, wake up!" - he shook her. - "Harley! It's just a dream! Come on, wake up!" - he kept saying.

Suddenly, her eyes shot open and with a loud gasp, she had awoken. Her skin was cold and she had sweat drops on her forehead.

"W-what... What happened?! Where am I?!" - she stuttered frightened.

"You were dreaming, Harley." - he said with a sympathetic smile on his face.

Her eyes filled with tears and a couple of them escaped, running down her cheeks. She wrapped her arms around FP's neck and she pulled him close. He was surprised, but didn't hesitate at all and he embraced her.

"What happened?" - he asked her, once she pulled away.

She shook her head. - "N-no-nothing... It was just a bad dream..." - she stuttered again. Her breathing was still not stabilized, so she just sank back into the couch and stared at the ground. - "A nightmare..."

"Do you wanna talk about it?" - he asked. She shook her head no, not bothering to even open her mouth to speak. - "Was it that realistic?"

She was quiet for a while. - "It was too realistic." - she finally answered and looked at him. - "Thank you for waking me up." - she gave him a weak smile.

He smiled back at her and put his hand on her knee. - "Don't worry about it."

She shifted her eyes from his, to look down at his hand, that was resting on her leg.

The sexual tension between the two was there, ever since the very first time they met, but it was rising with each passing day. Even tho, he wanted to ignore the feelings he had towards the, much, younger girl, he wasn't so sure that he could anymore. He couldn't bare looking at her beautiful face every morning and not kissing her lips, he couldn't bare to look at her perfect body and not touch it and not run his fingers up and down those long legs of hers. She was so close, but so far away. And her constant flirting with him was not making it much easier, at all! He couldn't take it anymore. He had to have her. Sooner, rather than later.

He, slowly, started sliding his hand from her knee, up her thigh, giving her a little squeeze along the way to her hip. He took his time, he wanted to see how she would react. If he was what she really wanted.

Once he noticed that she didn't move away, not even an inch, he realized that she did want the same thing, as him. He tugged on the thin material of her shorts and she moved over, leg swinging around his own and sitting on his lap, facing him.

She ran her tongue across her lips, while staring deep into his dark eyes. Once she does that, his eyes travel down to her lips.

His hands were travelling up and down her back, then finally resting on her waist. All, whilst, she was running her hands across his shoulders and his chest.

Serpent Queen •>> FP Jones FanficOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz