The Last night before school starts

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     I thought to myself in my room, " I feel like I'm going throw up. Summer break has went by so fast. Now the last night that I have dawns upon me. Most people are excited to go back to school, but I don't want to see any of my idiot classmates. I don't want summer to be over, it's been so much fun. I've went to Iron Maiden concerts, and collected so many band t-shirts too."

   My name is Stevie Cross, you can probably figure me out really quick just by looking at my appearance. You can tell I'm not a regular person. I don't have straight long blonde hair,  a big chest, and I don't like to show skin or follow the trends at all. 

I have long wavy dark brown hair, and my body looks like a cereal box. I love wearing leather jackets and pants, ripped jeans, and band t shirts. Not your average girl. I'm a metalhead,  the only metalhead in my school, and my town, and I hate it so much.

    I'm also an introvert, so that's 50% why I hate go back to school every goddamn year. The other half is because I hate everyone, and how they're so ignorant about metal. One kid came up to me and said, " I love metal too, I listen to AC/DC!" I had to completely explain to him that was classic rock, not metal. Pure ignorance. 

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