no boys allowed. [0.3]

Start from the beginning

"They're working on a project for school, Pen. Leave 'em alone, alright?" Their dad said and took her away from her sister's room, leading her downstairs.

Cora sighed, sitting at her desk and pulling up an extra chair beside her, which she grabbed from the garage. "Sorry about Penny." She apologized and Peter shrugged.

"Don't worry about it, she's just little." Peter reasoned as he sat beside her and she gave him a look, saying seriously? "What?" He asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

"I take it you're an only child if you weren't even mildly annoyed by that," Cora said as she unpacked the variety of screwdrivers and pliers from the box she had brought in.

"I actually am an only child." Peter laughed a bit as he got his notebook from his bag.

Cora shook her head, "you lucky bastard."

Peter laughed a bit at her comment, "I guess.. also, quick question," he started and Cora looked at him, raising her eyebrows, "why is your dad built like Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson?" He asked and Cora let out a small laugh.

"Oh, he's a bouncer at a nightclub downtown on the weekends, so between Friday to Sunday he works nights," Cora explained, shrugging her shoulders.

Peter's eyes widened, raising his eyebrows, "so like, he beats up annoying people at bars?"

Cora shook her head, "not always. Sometimes he just needs to take them out and call them a cab. Very few guys he's had to hit." She said, not thinking it was a big deal. "Anyway! Let's get working on the project."

Peter nodded and they began working on it, Cora having metal parts and wires scattered all over her desk, Peter writing things down in the notebook.

Peter was thinking, and realized they still needed a name for it, "what are we gonna name it?" He asked, leaning back his chair, "how about- shit!" He exclaimed as the chair fell back and he landed on the floor with a thud, groaning.

"What was that?!" Her dad called up the stairs, and Cora was trying to not laugh while Peter was glaring at her from the floor.

"N-Nothing!" Cora giggled, before getting up helping Peter off the floor. "You okay?" She asked, once her laughing had stopped.

"Yeah, yeah.. I'm fine." Peter smiled and looked down at Cora. The girl was quite short, probably only a few inches past 5 feet. The two locked eye contact, and just as Cora opened her mouth, her little sister appeared in the doorway.

Penny was leaned against the frame, "this doesn't look like schoolwork, Cora." She sassed and Cora looked at her quickly.

She rushed over to the door, "Penny, stay out!" She exclaimed and shut the door before walking over to her desk. "Sorry about her.. again." She sighed and sat down in her seat, Peter sitting next to her again.

"It's fine, don't worry." He assured her with a smile, "Anyway, as we were talking before I wiped out in the chair, what should we name it?" He asked and Cora began thinking, tapping her pencil eraser against her bottom lip.

Suddenly she perked up, her eyes widening. "How about Pulse?" She asked, looking at Peter, and he tilted his head, thinking about it.

"You know what.. I like it!" He agreed, grinning before quickly scribbling it down.

The two worked on the project until 8 o'clock when Peter's aunt had shown up to pick him up.

"I'll walk you out," Cora said as she handed Peter his jacket and walked him outside, seeing his aunt waiting in an old car. "So, when do you wanna work on this again?" She asked, tucking her hands into her pockets as they walked towards the car.

Peter thought for a moment, "uh.. how about Friday?" He suggested, raising his eyebrows.

"Friday's good; you'll have to come here though, I've gotta babysit Penny." She said since her dad wouldn't be home.

Peter nodded, grabbing the handle to the car as he reached it. "Yeah, of course. See you tomorrow." He smiled and she waved from her driveway with a smile before Peter got in the car and his aunt began driving.

May looked at her nephew as he buckled his seatbelt, "she's a cute girl." She mentioned, "what's her name?" She asked curiously as she turned down a street.

Peter rolled his eyes at his aunt's comment, "her name is Cora, and before you saying anything, no, I do not like her like that." Peter told her with a stern tone.

May furrowed her eyebrows, "wait, Cora Falker? As in, the girl you liked in freshman year?" She asked and Peter looked at her in shock.

"H-How did you know that?!" He exclaimed in confusion, knowing very well he had never told his aunt about that.

May smirked, "our apartment then had thin walls, your uncle and I heard everything you and Ned talked about.. and for about half of your freshman year, it was Cora." She said, Peter, tensing a bit at the mention of his Uncle Ben, he had only passed away about 10 months ago. January 23rd would be a year since he passed away.

"Okay, but I don't like her like that anymore. That's old." Peter defended, shaking his head. May only scoffed.

"Whatever, honey. I'm just saying, she's a cute girl." May said with a small smile as she pulled into the parking lot of their apartment building. Peter just sighed and grabbed his bag, going up to the apartment with May.

Peter knew Cora was cute, in freshman year he thought she was absolutely adorable.. but you can find someone attractive without having a crush on them. That's what it was to Peter now.

He went to his room and thought about putting his suit on, but then he remembered that May would freak on him. 2 months ago after Peter defeated the Vulture and Tony Stark gave him the suit back.. May found out. Since then it's been a fight for him to even hang out with Ned because she didn't fully trust him now. He spent hours arguing with May yesterday so he could work on the project with Cora outside of school, and now that he was actually there tonight, maybe some of the trust had come back.

Maybe Violet Knight has done me a favour, Peter thought. Two months ago he became limited on how often he could go out at night, and that was right around the time she picked up his slack.

He understood why May was so worried about him now. The last person she had in her life had people trying to kill him all the time, and that last person was her 15-year-old nephew that she raised since he was 6 months old. She lost his Uncle Ben to a man with a gun, the love of her life.. she couldn't lose Peter too.

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