(Title-Less for the time being)

Start from the beginning

Andrea nodded. "Alright. I'll go tell her you're on your way."

Shane gave her a nod before walking out to the door, out of Andrea's sight. She sighed, looking back over to Rosita who was still busy on her phone. 

Andrea walked back to Rick's room, seeing Lori finishing up in there. Andrea's shift was almost over, so she had to finish her rounds. Andrea poked her head into the room.

"Lori," Andrea said gently, looking at the woman. "Shane's on his way."

Lori wiped a tear, nodding at Andrea. "Thank you, so much,"

Andrea nodded. "It's no problem.."

Lori looked up at Andrea, smiling faintly. Andrea gave her a nod before walking down the hall. She walked into one of the rooms, seeing Carol inside, finishing up. Carol examined Andrea's tired, saddened face.

"Long day?" Carol asked, wrapping the IV tube around the monitor.

Andrea nodded, sitting down into one of the chairs, putting her head in her hands. "Yeah,"

Carol sighed, pushing the machine over to the corner. "I'm sorry, is there anything I can do?"

Andrea shook her head. "No," she said quietly, holding back her own tears. She felt awful for the family. 

"If there is, just let me know." Carol said with a small smile as she began to make the bed. 

Andrea mumbled a thanks, and sighed. 

Later, in the locker room, Andrea was done with her shift. Beth and Carol were in the locker rooms too, as Karen, the night desk-lady was chaging into her outfit. She'd be taking Rosita's place for the night. Andrea began to take her clothes off.

"Bad day today, huh?" Karen asked Andrea, seeing her face.

Andrea nodded. "First day, too."

Karen sighed, putting her pants on as she looked at Andrea. "It isn't always this bad. Trust me."

"Grimes' husband got shot today." Carol said, sighing. "Just wish he'd come out of that coma."

Andrea nodded. "Yeah." She looked down, taking her top off. "Uh.. I think I'm gonna go check on him. Just to say a few words."

Beth nodded. "Say a prayer for me."

Andrea smiled a bit. "I will."

Andrea quickly finished up, eager to leave the hospital. She didn't want to spend anymore time in the hospital than she needed, even though it was her first day. She knew tomorrow would be better, hopefully, but she did want to leave.

She walked down the hall, regular clothes on before stopping in at Rick's room. His room was at a dim light, as it was night. She saw Shane, the police officer from earlier, right by his side. It made her smile some, leaning against the doorway. It took a second before he noticed her standing there, and when he did, he gave her a small smile.

"Hey," He said softly, before looking back down at Rick. 

Andrea walked in, holding her purse in her hand. She returned the small smile, tilting her head at him before pulling a chair over on the opposite side of the bed from him.

"I can tell you're good friends." Andrea said softly, smiling.

Shane nodded. "Yeah. Known him ever since we were in Kindergarten, y'know?" Shane said with a sigh after. "It's my fault he's here."

"I'm sure it's not." Andrea reassured him, not even knowing the story.

Shane shook his head. "It is," he said, looking at the blonde. "He got shot before, and it landed in his vest. Should've gotten him out of that place anyways," Shane said, shaking his head. "He didn't want me to tell Lori.." Shane said before laughing softly. "I think she knows now."

Andrea smiled and nodded. She was quiet for a few seconds before speaking. "It's not your fault, Shane."

Shane looked at Andrea. He wasn't in a mood to be convinced, but he just nodded along to what she said. Andrea sighed, looking down.

"I just came by to say my sympathy.." Andrea said softly, looking at Shane. 

Shane nodded. "Thanks, I'll tell Lori." 

Andrea smiled, standing up. Shane looked up as she did, before speaking again.

"Why don't we uh, go out for a cup of coffee sometime?" Shane asked, figuring he could get to know her better.

Andrea turned to him, giving him a nod. "Coffee's good."

"I'll give you my number, uh," Shane said before reaching for the pad of paper and pen, writing his number down. "Here." Shane said, giving her the paper.

Andrea took it with a smile. "Thanks. I'll give you a call sometime."

Shane gave her a nod, smiling a bit. Andrea turned around, walking out of the room. Someone was hurt, but hey, she just got a guy's number.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2015 ⏰

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