Chapter Two: I am stronger

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Author’s Notes: This chapter is pretty short, as not much happens. Like I said, the first few years are skimmed over to build the foundation for the bigger part of this story. Enjoy!

There is Always a Choice

Chapter II: I am stronger

“I’m here. I love you. I don’t care if you need to stay up crying all night long, I will stay with you. There’s nothing you can ever do to lose my love. I will protect you until you die, and after your death I will still protect you. I am stronger than Depression and I am braver than Loneliness and nothing will ever exhaust me.” – Eat, Pray, Love

“Shut it, you prejudiced prick!”

“And let you keep spouting your goody-good yip-yap? I don’t think so!”

“That’s rich! Your nose is still brown from the arse-kissing you’ve been giving Snape since first year!”

“What about you? You and your precious Lockhart—”

“I can’t stand to see them fight like this.” Blaise whispers worriedly to Pansy as the entire common room watches the two tight-knit friends locked in their screaming match. This entire year had been tense, too tense. Between the Chamber of Secrets being reopened and their daft DADA teacher, stress levels were running way too high.

“Things change, Blaise. It was only a matter of time before his father’s old views caught up to Draco. This is what he needs.”

“True” Blaise concedes to the girl’s response. She had matured over the summer when her mother had been killed by a vampire, growing both in perceptiveness and biting wit. “What about Tallie, though? How will this benefit her?” Both flinch as wands were brandished between the squabbling pair, tips glowing with various colours as hexes began spilling from lips. The prefects are already swarming into the fray, collars yanked back and wands clattering to the ground before Professor Snape is roused from his rooms from the raucous.

Tallie glares at Draco, her heart hammering like a hummingbird in her chest from the adrenaline. Their friendship was crumbling around them, already cracked from all of their fights this year. How could he even suggest that this chamber was a good thing? After Gin-Ginny… She choked out a sob and wrenched herself free from the glaring prefect and ran out of the common room before her mental magic broke free.

She let her hand slide along one wall to guide her as she wrestled with her thoughts. Wolf-speak was stomping over and around human-speak, singular thoughts such as ‘pack’, ‘protect’, ‘danger’, and ‘betrayal’. Always betrayal.

The ends of her hair tickled the back of her neck and she scratched it with her ragged fingernails absentmindedly. She hadn’t gotten around to maintaining them since the attacks first started. She was too busy ruining any pranks/attacks on Harry by the few, completely idiotic students who believed him to be the ‘Heir of Slytherin’ after that whole dueling club incident.

Her steps echoed in the empty Entrance Hall as she paused at the bottom of the stairs, craning her slender neck to look straight up into the darkness spotted here and there with orange glows from the torches. Her head, even after all these months, still feels uneven from being so light. Upon regaining her sanity at the very end of last summer, her mind seized on something, anything, to stay focused upon instead of relapsing back into the green oblivion of her wolf form. So, with gleeful rebellion, she had found a pair of kitchen shears and chopped off all of her hair. She attempted to style it in the new craze, a ‘pixie cut’, and was somewhat successful. Her bangs had been way off center and she had nicked her neck and ears several times.

There is Always a ChoiceTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon