Part 1

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Tonight, let me prove you that I am the right man - your right man. I want to formally introduce you to my parents. But for the afternoon, you need some rest. I'm picking up Max at school and I'm spending the day with him. We'll meet later. I love you. Yours, Adam *

Christina was at her bureau e-mailing her staff members when she heard the beep of her cellphone, followed by a bit of Adam's verses on Moves Like Jagger. Instantly, she smiled and hurried to open up the text message.

Always full of surprises, isn't he?


Meanwhile, Adam was waiting for Max on the outside of his school. As the bell rang, a crowd ran out of the door - little boys and girls shouting and laughing. Oh, how Adam missed his childhood. But since he could not turn back in time, he could profit the best out of Max's childhood living it in his company. The little boy had accepted his mom's new boyfriend really well. He had even told him that he was his favorite coach because he was cool and had tattoos and girls like him so he wants to be him when he grows older.

"Adaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam!" Max shouted and ran into Adam's arms, ready to receive him in a tender hug.

"Hey, Spiderman!"

Adam answered as he hugged the blond little boy, planting big kisses on his cheeks while tickling him.

"St-stop, Adam!" Max laughed between breaths, while Adam scooped him up.

"How's my favorite friend?" he asked, Max wrapping his tiny legs around him tightly while squishing his cheeks together.

"Fine, I learned about dinosaurs today!"

"Oh, that's awesome!" Adam exclaimed, "What kind? The kind that eat little boys?"

"Don't say that, those aren't real," Max said while shaking his head, "I even asked and Mrs. Abrams said you made it up. Mommy was right, she said that they just exist in the stories she tells at night."

"That's because they're secret dinosaurs," Adam said while whispering, "and only prey on little boys with blonde hair and green eyes who eat all the Cocoa Puffs." He continued on his joke.

"But I have blonde hair...and I like Cocoa Puffs," Max said slowly, frantically tugging on Adam's arms and screeching.

"What color are my eyes, Adam?" He asked while pushing his eye lids up, Adam stifling a laugh as he looked.

"Uh oh dude, your eyes are kinda green! You know what that means," Adam said, forming a claw while tickling Max.

"N-no!" the small child giggled, his face turning red as he squealed, "No! No!"

"Alright, alright, I'll stop," Adam said as he opened up his truck door, "but I can't promise the dinosaurs will!"

"Daddy!" Max opened his mouth in shock as Adam laughed while he sat him in his seat. Then he stopped. Daddy.

"What have you said, Max?"

"Sorry, Adam. I called you daddy, don't be mad at me. I like you very much, as I also like my daddy Jordan. But now I have daddy Adam too."

"Yes, you have, Max. Daddy Adam."

"Can you buy me ice-cream, Adam?" Max asked when they arrived at the park.

"Yes, I can. But don't tell your mommy that I did, ok? And you can have just one, or your stomach will hurt." Adam kneeled down, messing with Max's hair. "What flavor?"

"Vanilla, Adam."

They both sat down eating their ice-creams and talking.

"So, Max, today you're going to sleep at aunt Rachel, okay?"

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