Chapter 1: New Start

Start from the beginning

Ethan nodded and headed up stairs to his new locker.

Grayson and I walked to our lockers which were only a few down form each other.

I unpacked my backpack and grabbed my red binder. I closed my locker and headed down to Grayson's.

I leaned my back on the locker right next to his.

"I have boi first. What about you?" I said twiddling with my hair.

"Math." He answered.

We walked together looking at signs to guide us to the right class. We later had to split ways.

I entered my first period class room. I looked around for an empty seat.

I spotted my friend Ella and she waved me down to come sit next to her.

"Hey stranger." I said walking over to the seat right next to her.

"ELIZA!" Ella shouted.

"Shhhh." I said putting my finger over her mouth.

"Sorry." Ella lowered her voice. "I'm so glad we have first period together. It's gonna be really fun. We can screw with the teachers like we did in 8th grade."

"Duh." I giggled.

"Honestly I missed you so much. I didn't see you that much all summer." Ella said sympathetically.

"I missed you too. I spent most of summer at my grandmas house in Florida. The doctors said it was going to be her last summer so I wanted to be with her. She passed away just last week."

"Oh, that's why you're so tan!" Ella pushed the side of my arm playfully.

I wasn't in the mood. Ella caught on really quickly.

"I'm sorry Eliza, that sucks."

"Yeah, it does."

The bell rang officially starting 1st period.

Class was very boring. My teacher kept going on and on about things that I couldn't care less about.

Finally, class was over.

I walked out of class and spotted my best friend, besides the twins, Abigail. I caught up to her and she gave me a tight hug right away causing me to breath heavily.

"Eliza, I heard about your grandma." Abigail said releasing me from her hug. "I'm so sorry, and I mean it. My grandma passed away last year, and it was really tough for me."

One reason why Abigail was one of my best friends was because she could find a way to relate to everything I was going through.

"Thanks Abby, I really appreciate it." I said trying not to think about it.

"Any time. Well to change the shitty subject, you look great Eliza!"

"Are you kidding Abby? You look amazing!"

Abby had long dirty blonde hair and green eyes. She was wearing a red tank top, lulu lemon black leggings, and slip on checkered vans.

Abby did a little twirl flipping her hair laughing. I started laughing too. She had a great since of humor.

"What class do you have next?" I asked Abigail.

"I have history next, you?"

I pulled out my paper schedule from my binder. I studied it carefully.

"Same!" I said jumping a little.

This year is going to be great, I can already tell.

I noticed that there was no one in the halls anymore, just me and Abigail.

"Shit." I said realizing that we were going to be late to class.

"What?" Abigail questioned.

"We were to busy talking and didn't hear the bell."

Abigail looked around noticing that the halls were empty.

We both ran to class. As we walked in, the teacher stared us down.

"Hello girls, I'm Mrs. Kelsey. Why are you girls joining us late today?"

"We're super sorry, we lost track of time." I said apologizing.

"Okay, I'll let you girls off the hook this time, but you better not be late again. Grab a seat."

"Yes ma'am" Abigail said respectfully.

There were no more seats right next to each other, so I just took the first seat I could find. Abigail sat right behind me.

Next to me was this really hot guy. He had light, short sandy brown hair, green eyes that looked dangerous, and olive toned skin.

"Hey, I'm Tyler." He whispered to me.

"I'm Eliza." I whispered back.

"That's a really beautiful name for a really beautiful girl." He said grinning.

I blushed a little.

"So Tyler, where are you from?" I asked.

"I was born and raised here, in New Jersey."

"Same." I added.

I got interrupted by Abigail kicking the back of my seat.

"What?" I said turning around.

She passed me a note. I opened it.

"He seems pretty into you. You guys would be a cute couple."

I wrote back at the bottom of the note.

"He's cute, but not my type."

I handed her back the note. I read her facial expression while she was reading it. She knew I was lying, because I was.
I hope you guys enjoyed the 1st chapter of More Than Friends This is my first story so it's really bad. Xoxo <3
- honeyygrethan

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