Chapter 11:I Was Either In Love With You Or Was A Pathological Liar

Start from the beginning


I find Cole already home and making dinner by the time I get there. I'd pulled in some overtime today, trying to get through as much work as possible today and my brain's fried. I'd dreamed about ordering myself a large Chicago style pizza and eating until I wanted to puke.

Actually given how shitty I've been feeling all week I don't really need food to make me upchuck but I push that thought aside. Anything to do with being sick or involving a doctor has always made me go running for the hills and I know all my symptoms are a sign of how tired and exhausted I am all the time. Work is stressful but if I don't work hard enough now I might not be able to show the company and my boss that I can handle more and that it'd be great if I get to be more involved with the publishing process. So I suck it up even though I'm dead on my feet right now and there's no way I won't fall right to sleep when I hit the bed but watching Cole walk around in a great mood, cooking something that smells way too delicious is lifting my spirits and like one of those cartoon, I'm automatically pulled towards the smell coming from our oven.

"Hey shortcake, you scared me tonight." Cole leans over the counter and kisses me. "I didn't know you'd be working late tonight and you didn't answer my texts."

I stifle a yawn, "Sorry, time just got ahead of me and I'm pretty sure my phone died on me somewhere chapters twenty to forty."

He raises a brow, "That sounds like a lot of reading. I texted Mattie if he knew where you were and he told you were working and that he'd just left you in. Long day huh?"

"The longest and there's more where that came from. But I won't complain much, not when I've seen how much studying you have to do the next few weeks."

He grimaces, "That isn't going to be fun but I don't want to talk about it. I want you to go take a hot bath that I've already started running for you and then come back her for lamb chops that I haven't managed to burn yet."

I laugh because the man's a great cook, he just doesn't have the time to treat me like this every day.

"Sounds like a plan but what's the occasion? We could've just ordered take out."

He makes a growly sound in his throat, "Romance isn't dead yet Tessie and if I want to make you a nice romantic meal once in a while then I damn well will."

I raise my hands, "Just asking a question and I will never say no to your cooking so while you're at it feel free to make dinner."

"There's two pack of those molten lava cakes you love so much in the fridge. I'll put them in the oven once the chops are done."

I salivate at the thought of dessert and right now I'm so thankful for him. There were many nights back in New York when I would come back from a hard day at work and just feel so incredibly lonely and miss Cole. I'd gotten used to living with him in college so living alone had been a huge change and moments like this remind me why I uprooted my life for this guy.

Mostly because when he's not being a possessive jerk, he's literally perfect and the one person I love the most in the world.

"I'm on to you. You're up to something and I am definitely on to you."

He sighs dramatically, "You're making me feel like I'm a shitty boyfriend Tessa. I don't just do nice things for you when I'm planning or plotting or whatever you think I do in my spare time."

"Hey, that was just the one time and only because I really did think you were going to kill Jay. I had to salvage your family somehow."

"You told the guy he might want to start looking into getting a restraining order against me."

The Bad Boy's Forever (TBBG Series #3) NOW PUBLISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now