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It was a Friday. Mid June. Shane just got a call from his dad. (kyle)

Kyle: Shane?

Shane: Um... Hi dad?

Kyle: I have to tell you something. and you need to come over!

Shane: But-

Kyle ended the call. Shane with a confused look glance at Ryland and looked back out the window.

Ryland: Yes Shane?

Shane: I'm gonna go down to my dad's place.

Ryland: Why? I'm going too!

Shane: He said he needed to tell me something.

Ryland and Shane hopped into Ryland's G-Wagon.

When they pulled up there was a silver mini van pulled up beside the mini home.

Shane: You better stay I here til I come out an-

Shane's dad walked out of the little door on the side of the trailer home.

Kyle: SHANE!!

A 21 year old girl with long hair almost the shade color of Shane's hair, blue deep ocean eyes, and really small sized, popped her head out of the door.

Girl: Dad. Who's this?

Shane: DAD?!

Kyle: Eh, Shane meet Abbie! Abbie meet Shane!

Abbie walked up to Shane. She put her face up near his. Kyle admired how much alike they looked. Abbie squeezed her eyes tight, to admire Shane.

Shane: He's my dad! Who are you?!

Kyle: Ehm, That's why your both here. Shane and Abbie! Your brother and sister.

Abbie: I guess Shane's the older one?

Shane: Ouch!


Shane: What?

Abbie tries to catch up with her breaths "This isn't my fav YouTuber Shane Dawson is it?" Abbie thinks to herself.

Shane: Abbie?

Abbie runs up to Shane and gives him a giant hug.

Abbie: SHANE!!

Shane uneasily puts his arms around her. As seconds which felt like minutes go by they get more comfortable, and Abbie lays her head on his chest. And tears roll down her face, and Shane lays his head on her's.

Abbie: It's you! My long lost brother! And I never new he'd be you! My favorite YouTuber!

Shane: I never new I had a sister! Imagine all that gay shit we could've done!

Abbie: Haha! Just like the videos!!

Shane: Nothing to fake here!

Kyle admires their bonding. Ryland gets up outta the car. Ryland takes Abbie from Shane and hugs her.

Ryland: I seen your channel! Your struggling? Right?

Abbie: Yes! ALOT!

Ryland: Well. You're Shane's sister. Shane problay wants to get to know you better! So...

Shane quickly swings his head to look at Ryland more clear. A giant smile bursts on Shane's face.


Abbie grabs Shane's shirt and pulls him into her hug with Ryland.

Abbie: Of course!!!

Ryland: Now we're a family!!

Shane's Sister?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon