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A/N: I'm doing something a little bit different in this chapter if you guys like it comment or vote idk just any way you can tell me.

It sometimes feels like a strange movie, you know, it's all so weird that sometimes I wonder if it is really happening.- Eminem


3rd person view

(Y/N)s friend was sitting in his room wondering were (Y/N) was he was and then an idea came to him.

(F/N) MIND: I'll just go over to his house and see if he's there, yeah that's a good idea.

3rd person view/ POV changes

(F/N) went outside and got in his car and started to drive to (Y/N)s house, when he got there (Y/N)s car was still outside. (F/N) parked his car on the side of the street, and got out and walked up to the door and tried opening it, but it was locked which in (F/N)s mind was bad for him because he couldn't get inside. (F/N) remember that (Y/N) always forgot to lock the back door, so (F/N) went to the fence and climbed over it. (F/N) went to the back door and opened it and went inside the house. (F/N) checked the first floor and (Y/N) wasn't there, so (F/N) went upstairs and saw the note on the outside of (Y/N)s door and froze for a second. (F/N) rushed to the door and opened it, to see a knocked over a chair, a cut in half rope, a knife, and a broken window, but no (Y/N) in sight. (F/N) wondered what the fuck happened here. Then (F/N) remembered that (Y/N) said that felt like he was being watched, and concluded that (Y/N) was kidnaped when he tried to kill himself. The only bad thing is (F/N) doesn't know who would kidnap (Y/N), then an idea came to (F/N) who could have kidnaped (Y/N). (F/N) took the knife from the ground and run out of the house and went to his car and started it and started to drive to (B/N)s hangout. Meanwhile at the manor, (Y/N) woke up and didn't see Jess anywhere in the room, so he just put back on his underwear and pants, and then he heard Jess talking to benny outside the door, well it was more like arguing then having a talk. (Y/N) walked out the door.


(Y/N): What you two arguing about out here?

Benny: YOU!


Benny: don't tell me what to do

(Y/N): STOP!

Both: .....

(Y/N): Now why over me?

Benny: because...I want I turn with you.

(Y/N): what you mean by that?

Benny: I want to hang out with you and do more.

(Y/N): So why argue over that?

Benny: Cause jess won't let me even touch you.

(Y/N): Jess you have to stop being so overprotective.

Jess: I'm not being overprotective [Walks into her room and closes the door and locks it].

(Y/N): Oh shit!

Benny: What, whats wrong?

(Y/N): It took me two days to realize that (F/N) is probably looking for me.

Benny: Whos (F/N)?

(Y/N): He's my best friend.

Benny: Well why don't you ask slenda for help.

(Y/N): I could but it would be kinda awkward.

Benny: Why?

(Y/N): Because of last night.

INSANITY (Fem creepypasta X male reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt